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  • Question: what does adding an (!) after a word actually imply? I'm almost positive that it's a way of saying something is particularly of note (even if the reasons themselves may not be obvious, or indeed even known to the reader, necessarily), like
    Wario was on his way to the store to get some bread (!) and eggs.

    I only ask because Google treats the (!) (which I like to pronounce as a clipped, slightly angry-sounding "Au--!") like it's not part of the search query, and I assume someone on here's more knowledgeable than I am.
    Ah yes... nothing like trying to find Spritelings in Greenhorn Ruins and realizing that Dad has the L/R speakers in the opposite location...
    | Fat Albert |
    | The prosecution is ready, Your Honor.
    Yikes Spike
    Yikes Spike
    "You guys are going to prision..."
    | Rudy |
    | Don't worry, Donald! "Real Honest Rudy" is gonna get you dudes outta this!

    | Russell |
    | (Or deeper into it.)

    You can only watch this for the first time once, and never again.
    Related: if you're planning on watching Sixties Spider-Man, relegate your consumption to the first season. trust me.
    Is it just me, or did the beta for Wario World have better lighting than the final game?
    Horror Manor (Outside) is one of my favorites. The strategic usage of the Cricket noises is definitely a cool thing about it that I like, and the really weird, unorthodox second half, with that weird, synthetic violin pad they've got goin'.
    I want to figure out what all these different sounds used were, including that weird "a'wood-uhl wood-uhl wood-uhl" sound. I actually heard that in real life once while walking the dog and was just like "yooooo"

    Oh, and I love the Inside theme's muffled pizzicato+french horns combination.
    • Like
    Reactions: Magma
    That's not that unusual. Games like Gears of War and (most notoriously) Dark Souls 2 got big downgrade to their dynamic lightning to get a playable framerate on consoles
    From the looks of the scenery in those screenshots, it was either better graphics or better lighting (though that's just speculation). If this is true, then I think ultimately the right decision was made.
    Today while messing around in Pro Tools, I accidentally found the Mega Man X orchestra hit in its original form. According to the Xpand!2 preset description, it is a "Brass Glock and Woodwinds Hit", and that high-pitched sound being a glockenspiel makes so much sense.
    Does anyone know of a database where I might identify this instrument sample? All I'm seeing are song identifiers.
    You're probably just gonna have to ask people. A website or program that could do something like that sounds too specific and would need to have access to a database of sorts I'd imagine.
    Hope you're feeling better, tahutoa.
    A lot of stuff is going on, you're trying to 'rebrand' and you seem stressed.
    It doesn't help that you get lots of warnings and even some temp bans, too.
    Just remember, you ARE human and ARE valued.
    Have a nice day, okay?
    thank you to whomever unbanned me. There's really no way to make it sound sincere through text, but I apologize to everyone who was bothered by my constant, pointless chatter.
    It was a temp ban
    @Magma @CM30 I think instead of a page that threatens you of a ban, it should be like, "You have been banned for "Reason" for "Days, hours, etc" It genuinely got tahutoa worried. And for probably future members. Just an idea :)
    That's what it was, actually. The timer disappeared for some reason after said time was up
    It's time for another warning, tahutoa, as it's becoming clear that your behavior is becoming a problem for people on this site. People are becoming increasingly passive aggressive towards you and that is not a good sign at all. Alongside clogging up the profile posts section, a large majority of your posts contain Too Much Information and/or are not discussion-worthy. Your thread in particular is a mess. Art and music is fine but not every little thought that comes into your mind makes for good discussion and the vast majority of it could be classified as spam. This is a place for discussion, this is not Twitter, this is not a personal blog, and this is not a journal. So cool it with posting too much and posting stuff that's too personal.
    If you were being put on trial, would you want to be represented by
    A) Phoenix Wright
    B) Daredevil
    Probably Phoenix Wright, not only does he have a damn good track record and can clear a case and declare a person innocent in the span of days, but courtroom scenerios would be highly entertaining to boot.
    C) Soda Popinski
    "Я Сода Попинский! Я задавлю тебя!"
    I rock. 'Nuff said.
    desperate cuck tahutoa vs chad CMV

    I'm sorry about that, by the way. It was rude, and I should've kept it to myself. My impulse control severely weakens when I'm tired.
    Why were Charlie Brown and Caillou both bald except for a few strands, Smeagol-ass lookin' muhfuggas
    Every time Metal, CMV and/or Magma get together
    So you're sitting there with the popcorn funnel in your ass right? Well, the idea is that you want to asphyxiate yourself with the smoke as much as possible. See, when you're being choked, the blood can't go to your brain so it flows to your dick and causes an erection. This makes it much easier to reach your climax, yes? If that makes sense and you're aware of the potential risk of your dad finding the black smoke ring on your anus, please continue. As the smoke begins to fill your stomach you'll become more and more bloated. Now, you're probably at the verge of orgasm. Jump off off the stove, and reach your hand in the burning oil. Rub it on your dick fast as possible, and then you'll feel something slipping. Your foreskin will slip right on
    See, the thing is, I don't know this show well enough to know if that's a real quote or not, and that's what's scary about it

    Also, is this a home remedy for circumcision
    A few days ago, I discovered while looking at Fiery Cavern in SynthFont that the preset which I'd named "Fiery Cavern Guitar" was nowhere to be seen. So, ironically, the preset I named Fiery Cavern isn't even part of Fiery Cavern. Oops.
    Which stage does it play in, though? I can't remember.
    It's not Toxic Landfill, and it's not Fiery Cavern, apparently. I almost want to say it's Arabian Nights, but that doesn't feel right.
    ...Hotel Horror maybe???
    Where the fuck is this instrument used?
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    What instrument?
    What would you do if you saw the Street Dance scene from Spider-Man 3 happening in real life
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