Speaking of Star Wars this is my favorite.
IG-88 hope he too gets a Poke abomination too.
The sounds IG-88 makes during the boss fight in Shadows of the Empire are the things that makes a child have nightmares.

Haha, I know this feeling, I was terrified when we got to this part, so much so that I had to mute the tv in order to play it : p Its definitely one of the scariest moments on the N64. Both the squealing of his gears moving and the bleeps and bloops of his speech.

And whoa, CMV and I had just played Custom Robo last week, and we were totally talking about making that picture of the main character into an avatar. We took a picture of it and everything, guess we wont be doing that now : p
The main character of Custom Robo has the best face expressions in the game, there was so many I could choose. IG-88 terrified me, especially when you lost sight of where he was at.
Haha thats what made him scary! You couldnt see him but you could hear those gears grinding, and I remember being nervous that hed come around the corner at any time, and he did! He almost always comes out from behind you : p
Alot of people complain about the train junkyard level, but after a few times you get the rhythm down and it becomes easier, I think that game is easier than everyone claims it is : p

And haha he had some pretty ridiculous faces, wa definitely not a character I could take seriously : p
Well there's also the fact that everyone seems to have problems with the ground control, though I'm that person on the Internet who had no problems with it. I mean there's games like Star Fox Assault and Rebel Strike where people hated the ground gameplay and then there's me who enjoyed them. Also I refuse to play Shadow of the Empire on Jedi difficulty, it ain't fun when you're one hit kill to everything.

Who could say no to this face?