in case nobody has told you this today:

Rats 'n bats 'n goblins, too. Aidyn Chronicles has everything youd want : p

Those videos make me wanna play AC again, actually : p Nostalgia kicking in and all that : p The game makes me think of Christmas, both because I got it for Christmas, and also because the Mirari town of Erromon looks like Christmas : p Wish I could show people why it did but every video I find with it is like 40 minutes long : p

Oh well heres a picture of a cave in Erromon-

yeraza from aidyn chroniclez.jpg

See? Very Christmas-y : p

nintendo aint gonna do it. that would involve making their fans happy. :p

i wish nintendo made a skill based high difficulty game though. i started playing a remastered version of castlevania: rondo of blood (which isnt incredibly easy but not impossible either) and im nearly at the true ending. I NEED GAMING MASOCHISM AND FAST!!!