Yeah, there was recently a somewhat conversation on this forum about graphics and independant gaming companies, and how they always use SNES 2d graphics, and someone mentioned having those old blocky pixelated N64 graphics. I actually really like that idea : p

Ive noticed with games, like you see companies try to use that old cartoony 3d platformer look (we are currently playing Kameo for 360 and it kinda feels like that), and it looks good and all, but I feel like its missing something without those old blocky pixels. May be weird, but Im really fond of that style : p (Or technical limitation or whatever)
Hey-hey, MonaWare! I need a spot of help. I want to make a cool, colourful signature like yours, but I don't know how to upload images. Everytime I try to test an image out it says "uploads not available"! What am I doing wrong?
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Uh, what do you mean upload? I actually didnt make my signature, a friend of mine made it for me. So I dont actually know how to make one. But, CMV made his own, he apparently knows how to make them. I could ask him for you if youd like. (Unless someone here has an answer : p)
Hey, MonaWare! I need a spot of help. I want to make a cool, colourful signature like yours, but I don't know how to upload images. Everytime I try to test an image out it says "uploads not available"! What am I doing wrong?
The upload itself is simple, my guess is your picture extension isn't compatible with what the forum uses or the picture is too big. What character were you thinking of putting in your signature? Or do you have a specific image you want?
The upload itself is simple, my guess is your picture extension isn't compatible with what the forum uses or the picture is too big. What character were you thinking of putting in your signature? Or do you have a specific image you want?

I'm planning to have a colourful rectangular image (a banner) of some of my favourite characters/heroes, that's all. I haven't made it yet, mind you.

"Uploads are not available." <<< That is the message I get every time I try to drag and drop an image from my computer into the Edit Signature box. And I've tried all kinds of sizes/file types!
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Already making toys for Breath of the wild?!
Also been playing Mario RPG's like crazy these past few months. Started with Paper Mario, now Super Star Saga and we're on to Partners in time, lol. Super Mario RPG and TTYD next. Just been revisiting these games like crazy.

I bought Dream Team last week. Haven't opened it yet though since I need to finish Bowser's Inside Story first.
I have not gotten a good sleep for the last few weeks because of this annoying cat of mine. I swear I hate having cats, they never shut up and they're breaking my furniture. Have to deal with this annoying pest every night.
I have not gotten a good sleep for the last few weeks because of this annoying cat of mine. I swear I hate having cats, they never shut up and they're breaking my furniture. Have to deal with this annoying pest every night.
rip hex's sanity. i would just tie a laser pointer to the collar and watch the fireworks XD