@Hex Scout I need to really thank you for all the good mods you've shown me for Garry's mod, without you I wouldn't be able to play, I didn't know I needed other games in order to play it, well I knew I needed TF2 but I thought that was about it, knowing me I'd probably think my computer was cheap or something went wrong with my download. Thanks for being a super friend, Hex!

I wish I could repay you in someway, but what I can do you can do better, lol. (Don't ask for a game, my money is low right now X3) again, thank so much for the help with Gmod, the game I wanted to play for years.
I actually still got more stuff to give you and a lot of advices on how to work everything. There's still some things left that could be useful, I just need to share them and also give you things like particle attachment, some cool weapons, vehicles, and better texture quality. (even though life mod already increases the texture)

You don't need to repay me at all, I don't ever ask people for things.
I called a lot of people nice, but you are just -- the very definition of nice, lol. You're helping me with nothing in return and you still want to improve my Garry's mod game. Looking forward to those other mods, you already did wonders for my Garry's mod, but unlike you I don't want to have 400+ mods ; p

Oh don't worry, I won't give out too much. I'll just be giving you some basic and cool workshop items and even teach you how to do things like importing maps from games like Team Fortress 2. (because most of the good maps are on tf2 and not on Gmod) I'll also need to teach you some useful key binding commands that'll help you on things.

Also your PC should be able to handle a lot of mods. My old PC wasn't good and I was still able to play with a lot of mods and not have any problems.
Yeah, when joining other servers it tends to download a a lot of files and my game was still running smoothly, though when I tried to use other windows like Firefox it kind of lagged a lot, lol. Maybe joining a game you made wouldn't be so bad after all, but then again downloading all those mods would take a few minutes, wouldn't it? ;p

Yeah, the only bind things I've done was thirdperson and that kill thing you asked me to bind, very useful when I want to change models.
Using the thirdperson command isn't as good as the thirdperson mod since the mod allows you to change the position of your camera. You could always make a list of mods for everyone to download to make things easier.
There's a mod for third person now? ay... stupid video tutorials, making me use commands than simply pointing the way to the mod, lol. I downloaded some other fun mods, such as seeing your model when you look down! very nice and handy.
I got a few things... Okay a lot of things to show, but I'll give you very useful workshop items. You can download any maps you want since maps doesn't add to the loading time.
I didn't think it was possible for Valve to ruin Halloween with another community update for tf2. Last year was okay because it was a community update and although almost ruined what made Scream Fortress good, it did some good things. This year they decide to do the same exact thing as last year, but with absolutely disgusting things added on top of it. Nobody asked to remove two of the best competitive maps on the game for two maps that doesn't work at the slightest for 6v6, and nobody did not wanted to be forced to play casual mode where everything is just broken. Only 20 cosmetic added, all of them look very bad, 8 unusual which always looked good, and a reskinned zoomin' broom taunt. This entire year has been going down hill for tf2, I would not be surprised if Valve decided to stop working for a game known to give them so much money.
Man! I love me some Trick or treating. :3

The free candy and dressing up - With my siblings and I we can have garbage bags full of candy to last months! the Candy we don't eat we give away to people or other family members. I need to ask, but will you be going out as --- I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. ;p
I agree, Hex. Halloween is fun, I love going out seeing everyone trick or treating, but be careful. I hear that's when most creeps come out, but I have my father with me so I don't have to worry too much. Kyon, no. I would if I could but I don't think they make Ashley costumes. I'm not going as anything fancy, just putting on a costume and getting candy.