You could draw Helga Pataki for me.

In fact Ive always wanted a picture of a sad looking Helga playing bass guitar. Someone promised to do it for me years ago but they never did it > : (
So Ive gained a bit of weight these past few months, and now many of my shirts arent fitting on me so well anymore.

Am feeling pretty sad about that : p Am gonna have to go on an extreme no-bread no-lunch diet this coming January, haha. Will be tough : /
I got Na Vucca Du Lupu today : 3 Is Zach's first album (not including the punk band he played in years earlier, dont think he had much to do with the writing for them and I dont really care much for them anyway, completely missing his signature playing style in every way)

Wish I could show you guys the cd design, looks really cool. I really like it, is almost entirely red, which fits the album I think : p At least I can show the cover art-



Am listening to it now, am on track 3, "Slow Hand" : p Is a really good song, my favorite so far. I love the names of the songs they used for this album. "Horse Sweat", "Feeling Bald", "Huvakraft", theyre really uhhh...... abstract I guess : p
So by far my favorite track on Na Vucca Do Lupu is Illwrath. Sadly, the song isnt on youtube, but its named after this character here-


It seems that my favorite 3MP songs are named after things from this game : p Another of my top favorite songs of theirs is named after this ship here-


I should play this game : p I mean space shooters arent really my thing, but 3MP seemed to be really influenced
by it, haha : p
Oh, but theres a Dreamcast game called Armada, I heard its alot like Star Control 2, so Ill definitely try it out, might actually like it, who knows : p
I wasnt aware that Kokonoe's account was being used to make rude spammy posts when I gave that a winner rating, I kinda regret giving that rating now : /
im not usually a fan of the digitally canned posts either.
but considering the way i use winner ratings (semi sarcastically), it fits perfectly.

whats with the spam anyway?
My year isnt too bad so far, other than a package not coming on time, one of the Dreamcast games CMV sent me being broken (who freaking ships a broken game?) and me having three 4 am shifts this week instead of two ; _ ; Other than that everything is going alright, though : p