I should change that to "one of the games CMV ordered for me", he bought me a game on amazon, and whoever sent it sent a game with a hole in the disk. At least I have the case now, though. Ill just buy the disk itself without a case.
You know... the hole in the middle? (Crappy joke)

It's actually snowing here, and unlike 99% of the time it snows here, it's actually staying on the ground and it's still heavily snowing after 30 minutes. This year has been going kinda decent so far for me apart from a couple of bad days, but we all have bad days so whatever.

....And as soon as I say that, the sun comes out and the snow stops. Spoke too soon, lol.
Its been like 40 degrees F here lately, so its been really warm : p That makes me happy : p Though apparently were supposed to have three inches of ice this weekend.
Im sorta confused by that idea btw, like I understand a layer of ice and all, but like a for real three inch thick sheet of ice covering everything, cant see it : p

And I have no idea : p Its a for real little hole that goes all the way through the disk though, like if you held it up to a light, youd see it come out the other end. Its working so far though, long enough for me to start a file on the game. But I mean, its gonna not work at some point. Theres no way the console can read the game with a hole in it : p

(Its a really good game btw, I really like it, so its a bummer : p)
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And I have no idea : p Its a for real little hole that goes all the way through the disk though, like if you held it up to a light, youd see it come out the other end. Its working so far though, long enough for me to start a file on the game. But I mean, its gonna not work at some point. Theres no way the console can read the game with a hole in it : p
Huh, that's interesting.
Keep us updated: if you encounter problems, I'd like to know!
Magma is a tough dude, hell totally be able to handle his school work : p

Heres a question, how many of you ever like buy a game, but then like wait for months before you finally play it, leaving it to collect dust after buying it?
Magma is a tough dude, hell totally be able to handle his school work : p

Heres a question, how many of you ever like buy a game, but then like wait for months before you finally play it, leaving it to collect dust after buying it?

I always play them immediately, unless its at like Christmas when I usually get more than one game. And even then I only go for like a week at most without trying it.
Ive never went like an entire year before playing a game at least once : p But I have like tried a game and didnt like it and then wait like another year before giving it a chance and realizing I really liked it : p Baten Kaitos was that way for me, took forever to realize I loved the game due to taking time to get used to its card based battle system, haha : p

I actually often buy more than one game at a time, though. For the most part I generally buy older games, especially these days since the most current console I now own is a Wii : p So I often find like 2-3 games for a cheap price and take some time before I really try them all : p
How many of you actually finish every game you start? Like how many games do you have that you have beaten over like games you own but never finished?
How many of you actually finish every game you start? Like how many games do you have that you have beaten over like games you own but never finished?
I beat all games i own, Even if it takes years i'll do it, Though i adopted this mindset a few years back so i went back and binge played a bunch of old games until i was done.
Back then i either beat them, get frustrated and give up. or just get bored.
How many of you actually finish every game you start? Like how many games do you have that you have beaten over like games you own but never finished?
I would say I usually beat most of the games I own that I really enjoy. When I was younger I was much more reckless with which games I bought and sometimes would buy games I would end up not liking. For reading heavy games which are typically RPGs I tend to get burnt out and like stop midway through unless the story is very strong and gripping before going back to them and finishing them.
When I was a kid I would rarely beat games, even if I liked them a ton. It's easy to get stumped or discouraged when you're a dumb kid. When I was a teen there was a period where I revisited all those games and beat them though (Wind Waker, Sunshine, WL3, a Link to the Past etc.). Nowadays I beat every game I get unless I'm genuinely disinterested in the game. I wonder if it has to do with games these days being easier, or if you just have more motivation as an adult?

Now that I think of it, there is ONE game I played as a kid that I've never managed to beat, even having played it as recently as last year. That would be Final Fantasy IV... The last dungeon has such an absurd spike in difficulty that you have to grind like 10 levels before you can even stand a chance, and it's very long, mazelike, with very few save points. I've played through the game like 5 times combined on both the GBA and DS versions but never been able to beat the final boss :/
I've had some weird instances where I've played games that I got through fairly easily as a kid and now found them a lot more difficult. Mostly in the Sonic Adventure games.
I actually feel like I was much more patient as a kid. Playing Aidyn Chronicles growing up, I used to love exploring every inch of the game, and seeing everything. And thats not a small game btw, I had sooo many freaking hours saved into that game back then. The world is huge and it took forever to do everything : p Playing it now as an adult, I usually go through as fast as I can, and even skip out on things like exploring caves and junk. At least with games Ive never played before Im more willing to explore but still not like I used to. like with Beyond Good and Evil, I havent even tried any side quests, like racing or anything. I just play through the story without trying anything else : p

I will say as a kid I felt less stress and like I had less responsibilities than I do now, Im sure thats a part of it : p

As for games, Ive said before that I dont enjoy games if they become frustrating. Like thats the ENTIRE reason I play a game, to escape from stress of real life. So I hate when a game becomes frustrating and difficult. If I feel like the game becomes unfun due to this I will usually move onto another game : p

I probly beat like half the games I own, in fact I think the only games I really ever go out of my way to beat ar JRPGs, which is probly cuz Im involved in the story and want to know what happens next : p I cant think of any JRPGs I didnt finish besides for a few that became unfun due to their difficulty level.