Huh, that's interesting.And I have no idea : p Its a for real little hole that goes all the way through the disk though, like if you held it up to a light, youd see it come out the other end. Its working so far though, long enough for me to start a file on the game. But I mean, its gonna not work at some point. Theres no way the console can read the game with a hole in it : p
I should change that to "one of the games CMV ordered for me", he bought me a game on amazon, and whoever sent it sent a game with a hole in the disk. At least I have the case now, though. Ill just buy the disk itself without a case.
Good luck Magma, Make us proud. Remember when worst comes to worst use Google Scholar. Go get em' you can do it.Back 2 school 4 me and I must face my toughest semester yet![]()
Magma is a tough dude, hell totally be able to handle his school work : p
Heres a question, how many of you ever like buy a game, but then like wait for months before you finally play it, leaving it to collect dust after buying it?
I beat all games i own, Even if it takes years i'll do it, Though i adopted this mindset a few years back so i went back and binge played a bunch of old games until i was done.How many of you actually finish every game you start? Like how many games do you have that you have beaten over like games you own but never finished?
I would say I usually beat most of the games I own that I really enjoy. When I was younger I was much more reckless with which games I bought and sometimes would buy games I would end up not liking. For reading heavy games which are typically RPGs I tend to get burnt out and like stop midway through unless the story is very strong and gripping before going back to them and finishing them.How many of you actually finish every game you start? Like how many games do you have that you have beaten over like games you own but never finished?