I'd think creating a separate thread for it would be better.Does this forum already have a thread dedicated to music? Like general music that you like discussion?
Or maybe we could even jut talk about it here : p
I'd think creating a separate thread for it would be better.Does this forum already have a thread dedicated to music? Like general music that you like discussion?
Or maybe we could even jut talk about it here : p
Guinea pig?Ill probly make one later today : p
And haha I like your guinea pig in your avatar, 607 :3 I have a guinea pig, his name is Coco Bean :3
Oh, and whats your username about? : p
Guinea pig?I thought it was some kind of bird :P
Hm, my name... I rarely tell that someone, honestly, and if I do it's definitely IRL and not on a forum, sorry :3
On the note of Piwi, my profile picture: I should probably change it, actually, as I have a thing on another forum where he gets a different theme each year, but I never bothered to update here.
What do you think? Keep this one forever, or update it each year? (the new picture would still be involving the same plush (Piwi))
Oh, oops, never mind, I'm tired >.< Yeah, that guinea pig. I put it in my signature as a wink to somebody at another forum and to tease the mods a bit (naughty 607 :3) and liked it, so put it here too.Oh, doh : p I mean signature. I almost always type out avatar when I mean signature :/
And I think it would be way cool to change it every year, yeah :3 Unless you really like the current one so much that you really never wanna change it ever : p Though I actually did have one avatar for like 2 years on a forum once, haha I really liked it that much : p
Nah, it isn't really a thing in the part of the Netherlands we live in.I played for a birthday party last Saturday actually :3
Does anyone have any plans for Halloween this Saturday?
To listen to the sp00kiest songs
You should put that stuff on Youtube or Soundcloud or something.
What's wrong with "cute"?More IRC stories!
So everyone starts talking about how fat/skinny they are, and one guy posts a picture of his arm, and a girl is in the background of it. Another guy asks him, "who's the girl in the background?"
"That's my sister"
"Tell her she's cute"
"What the hell she's 11"
*short pause*
"As in adorable"
Nice save