Mario Party looks like the kind of game that would be great to play, if you had friends to play it with.

I dont have any friends to play it with though ; _ ;

I got so excited when the advert for the original N64 Mario Party came on TV. Obviously there was no expectations on what "Mario Party" would be like, so I was very disappointed when it turned out to be a board game. I love board games with chance, but not in video games.

Even with friends I can't enjoy. You need prior experience in the minigames if you want to win, otherwise it's just "What's going on? What do you mean I've already lost?!"
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I bet even 9-volt is upset about what state Nintendo's in right now. Color Splash?! No NX news?!
We were told beforehand that the NX was not going to be revealed at E3 and that it will be annouced at a later date.

And technically we did get NX news, if you count that Just Dance and The Legend of Zelda is also coming out for the NX. Not much beyond that though.
Yeah, it didnt really have many pages when I joined. I actually think it had less then ten even. May be wrong but I remember it wasnt super big : p
How this year's E3 was for me.

EA: Absolutely nothing.
Bethesda: QUAKE YEAH!!!
Microsoft: It was okay I guess.
Ubisoft: Ehh
Sony: Kratos y u so old and finally the Last Guardian is coming!
Nintendo: The Legend of Technology Breath of the Brew ha ha and Mayro Perty featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series & Knuckles.
How this year's E3 was for me.

EA: Absolutely nothing.
Bethesda: QUAKE YEAH!!!
Microsoft: It was okay I guess.
Ubisoft: Ehh
Sony: Kratos y u so old and finally the Last Guardian is coming!
Nintendo: The Legend of Technology Breath of the Brew ha ha and Mayro Perty featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series & Knuckles.
What was so edgy about mario party