doesn't a laptop mousepad turn just about any game into a rage game?
why must you torture yourself

1 im not buying a mouse when there is a steam sale
2 am bored and need a challenge. even if it turns out to be cat mario. :3 :( T.T
on the bright side, i got to ashley.
So I found out I could just watch the flash online, saves me so much time. TV is just so hard to work these days, new controls, new buttons. I also couldn't find anything on the flash on my Television network or on Netflix. So I had no choice but to watch it online. My first impressions, it wasn't bad, I loved Berry, though I'm confused in some parts. like how does one get super powers by being struck by lightning? if that were the case there would be a lot of speedy heroes. It's nothing I'd rush to everytime a new part is up, but it's not bad either, honestly it doesn't feel like it's for me.
Does the show also include the detail that a bunch of chemicals spilled on him while he was struck by lightning? I mean, it makes no sense either way, but it's better than no explanation.
It's the DC universe, a lot of things don't make sense. Well, it wasn't just chemicals and lightning , it was also thanks to the particle accelerator, without it none of this would have been. The thing was made to understand WAY MORE about the universe. Not just anyone can remake this stuff...Well, barry lost his speed in a comic once and re-did the thing, but that's aside the point!

Just keep watching, I swear you'll love it by episode 12.