What do I care? People on the internet think something of me, it doesn't make me who I am at all. Metal is still rating your posts dumb? sorry, there is nothing I can do about it, if I try talking him out of it he'll throw a fit again.
There's an edit button, lol^^'

It doesn't make me happy, but at the very least makes me not care for the time being. Don't understand why some people can't just let me be, don't they know I've been through enough as it is? but no, the site I loved the most just had to have meanies, I guess chat heavy sites will always have mean users.

Well at least there are more nice people than mean ones, so that's a 1 plus! :3
I know, but people might have read it before I could correct myself. I guess it's better than nothing, so yeah. That's good, nobody would join a site that has more mean users, more so then not these mean users can go too far.