The fact that they remembered her history is what really sells it.

That's what really impresses me about Gold, they remember it all and it shows through the game. Like look at the obscure callbacks they make.

For example. Fronk being 9-Volt's pet? People would only know that if they saw his third intermission screen in Mega Microgames. 9-Volt's dad revealed to be a firefighter on 5-Volt's card? That stems from an even more obscure reference; the Developer Diaries. Which weren't even officially translated!
Glad Orbulon respects traffic laws

Wait a minute... at the beginning there, there's a building with her Snapped! design on it! Wow, I never thought they'd mention that game again! Also, Rhythm Heaven Fever café, awesome.
More of these are coming

Woah, something just zipped by! Why, it's the super-stylish Mona on her trusty scooter! She needs a dress for a party, and fast. Discover her set of Mash League microgames in WarioWare Gold! Stay tuned for more character videos!
This is really nice to see. Mona in her past outfits but current design makes it clear that they want newcomers to the series to try out the other games as well. Ot it's just to show how many different attires she's had. :monapizza:
This is really nice to see. Mona in her past outfits but current design makes it clear that they want newcomers to the series to try out the other games as well. Or it's just to show how many different attires she's had. :monapizza:

While I know that Mona isn’t the only WarioWare character that Nintendo intends to do these little “character legacy” mini-videos for, I feel like something just HAS to be said about the fact that Nintendo decided to kick off this little mini-series of videos off with her, and NOT Ashley (or even Jimmy T., for that matter).

This being said, I'd like to think that Nintendo is (hopefully) realizing that the overexposure and overall attention they've been giving Ashley over the rest of the WarioWare cast is finally beginning to wear thin at this point, and they're deciding to give more attention to the rest of the cast, Mona included (obviously).