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  • Also thinking of future website plans to work on. Continuing the Wario Land 4 level DB/modding site, a revival of Wario Weekly, some sort of high score system for Wario games, maybe another forum based on another series I like (got a few ideas for that).
    Wario Weekly, Week 209:

    "Today in Wario news, a tumbleweed was seen passing along the bank of Mystic Lake. Eyewitness reports state that it has now fallen in... and is now floating upstream. We'll let you know of any developments."
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    @CM30 What other series did you have in mind?
    Is it me or do a lot of Switch games feel kinda underwhelming recently? Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey and Smash Ultimate are awesome, but many of the other Nintendo titles feel kind of unfinished overall.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    But what about Luigi's Mansion 3?
    I have surprisingly mixed feelings on it. Loved the bosses, some of the floor themes, much of the gameplay, the presentation, etc.

    But it felt rather unfinished to me. I had so many random bugs pop up while playing (including a crash glitch), and a lot of the later floors felt rather short, especially stuff like the Fitness Centre and the Dance Hall. Not saying all floors should be super long, but... comparing Castle MacFrights, Boilerworks, Tomb Suites and Twisted Suites to the other areas and well... most of them are maybe half as long at the most.

    It's like it's all building up till Twisted Suites... then after that it all gets rushed to hell and you blast through floor after floor in minutes.

    ScareScraper also lacks a lot of options from the last game.
    Sorry about the lack of activity here and on Gaming Reinvented recently. Kinda on break for a bit, working to get another project significantly updated by Christmas.
    Think this place will be pretty dead regardless of what you try to do. We really just gotta keep holding out for official Wario stuff if it ever happens it seems.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Don't worry your ass, I wans't in an active mood either. Nor was anyone else, so it seems.
    True, the lack of new Wario media hasn't exactly helped this forum much.

    Still, I could be more active none the less.

    Plus for the people who care about Gaming Reinvented, I could be more active there as well.
    Well, may as well mention my response to the COPPA/FTC stuff.

    It's horrible. It's ridiculous. And I hate it.

    But I won't let it affect Wario Forums and Gaming Reinvented. As much as they think otherwise, the US does not rule the world, and just having US based visitors doesn't mean being restricted to their laws.

    Sod off.
    I'd definitely agree with Internet Historian that it's probably not the YouTubers who'd get affected here. I mean, what can they do about it? It's YouTube that's breaking the law by targeting kids with ads and what not. YouTubers can't choose how the ads work, and never could.

    And yeah, they're not gonna sue a bunch of YouTubers, have nothing they can do against those outside of the US, etc.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    When you think the new Youtube Terms of Service suck, you get this...
    RIP Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars and The Big WAAAAA-rehouse

    Cause of possible death: Getting Screwed by the New Terms is Service

    Then again, I’m not making cash out of this.
    Most minor detail ever, but found it interesting that the UK version of Luigi's Mansion 3 still calls the Scarescraper the Scarescraper. In the last game they called it the (much lamer sounding) Thrill Tower.
    I thought they were done with different UK and US translations but then Super Mario Party had that disagreement over Birdo's gender
    I'm a little disappointed at the glitches I've encountered in Luigi's Mansion 3. Fun game, but it crashed on me once, and the Scarescraper has had quite a few weird bugs too.
    What glitches?
    A ghost just got stuck in mid air and no one could catch it, just slowly drain its health. Also had a Toad stuck on the Poltergust when I was catching a ghost. Not the normal way (where it blocked the vacuum), but a weird way, where I could get pulled around by the ghost with a Toad stuck on the Poltergust while the ghost's health drained away.
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    Reactions: Robin
    God, I wish this burnout/depression would just go away. I'm wasting too much time not doing anything where I should be trying to make as much money as possible.
    If it makes you feel any better, I'm still looking for £250 I can put aside...
    "as much money as possible" - dont turn into EA.
    psychicpebbles has once said on the subject of burnout prevention something very close to: 'take one day, any day, where you just... don't, work. Don't work don't do anything, just sit around and watch TV, play video games, watch YouTube, literally anything, but don't do any work at all, not even a little bit, for the whole day, just nothing. because you're gonna get up the next morning and feel like such a waste of space. You'll feel like a lazy sack of shit for not getting any work done'.

    For some reason this actually works, because I've done it before. In the case of pre-existing burnout like you're describing, it may take two days-- but believe me, that 2nd day will seriously impact you even if you're in the middle of a terrible burnout, because like the number implies, when you wake up that third morning, Jesus Christ, it'll be twice as potent, you'll practically be dashing for your laptop (or w/e).
    Hmm, if emails aren't being sent out properly, that'd explain why there may be less activity recently. Looking into that.
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    Wait do people look at the emails? I never bothered personally
    I meant things like the sign up confirmation one. We generally don't send emails to people who've already registered and been using the site.
    Am I the only one who's kinda curious how many game devs (especially Nintendo ones) take part on forums, subreddits, Discord etc without anyone knowing?
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    Reactions: MonaWare
    Crescent-Moon Villager
    Crescent-Moon Villager
    *glances around nervously*
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    You better watch out what you say about Nintendo. They are watching us... :wurgh:
    Yeah, me too. Also I used to hang out on animation forums, and on the commentary of one of them I heard one of the writers talk about the forum. Spooked me out.
    On another note, gonna try and find a way to make this forum a bit more active soon enough. There has to be some way to keep interest going between games.
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    To keep interest going we need a Wario galge so we can romance Wario. Everyone in the world will buy it along with the 18+ version on Steam
    So apparently someone hacked Etika's Twitter account and used it to advertise their Discord server. Yeah, that's a pretty good to make the internet rightfully hate you near immediately.
    So apparently they announced a new Cooking Mama game, and the press release is all about how it uses the 'blockchain'. What even is this ridiculousness?
    Always found it amusing how ready meal and frozen food packaging pretends it's for 2-4 people when it comes to serving sizes. Oh give it a rest. We all know that in most cases, that pizza's probably gonna be eaten by one person in front of their TV/computer screen that night.
    Good grief the comments here are kinda strange. Ah well, it's fitting isn't it? A forum for a wacky series has an equally wacky userbase.
    Jeez internet, can you stop being so weird? It's making it really hard to tell whether I'm dreaming or not now, especially with stuff like the Ashley and Banjo-Kazooie versions of the Wind Waker.
    So, does the Super Mario World intro always suck this badly? Feels like it takes forever...
    You mean the "oh wow Bowz has kidnapped the princess?????" screen? Doesn't feel like it tbh
    Well, guess constantly having to reset the game for Super Mario World ROM hacking purposes makes it feel longer then.
    The GBA version with Luigi running in a circle around Mario is better.
    On another note, I have to say, Luigi's Mansion 3 is the game I'm most excited for in 2019. Mario Maker 2 seems neat, the Link's Awakening remake is neat too... but Luigi's Mansion 3 just seems a bit more interesting overall.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    I am also looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 3. I'm glad to see Gooigi and the Polterpups return.
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