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  1. MonaWare

    Your first video game experience

    Wasnt sure if a thread like this already existed, but dont remember seeing one so think its a good time to start one. So yeah, do you remember the first video game you played? Or at least, the first game(s) that got you excited about trying out others? For me, it would be the NES. I always say...
  2. MonaWare

    Favorite flags

    Ive always thought flags were super cool. Ive always liked the idea of representing yourself with a personal banner. Im sure that others out there feel the same way to some extent, so lets talk about it They can be any flags at all, real or fictional, national, whatever : p Ive grown fond for...
  3. MonaWare

    What do you wanna be when you grow up

    Growing up, Im sure we all had some kinda idea what we wanted to be when we grew up. It may have not have been something realistic, haha. But most kids think about what they could be in the future. What are some things you wanted to be? I dont think I ever thought of being anything too weird ...
  4. MonaWare

    Your most successful thread

    This thread is for anyone whos made a thread on wario forums. Share the threads youve made that have the most replies and talk about them. Ive made a bunch of threads here on wario forums, and most of them only have like 10-20 replies, haha. I have a few that reached into the hundreds though...
  5. MonaWare

    General Gaming social thread

    Ive been thinking about making this thread for a while, and I had planned on asking everyone what they thought about the idea before doing it, but Ive decided just to go ahead and just do it anyway : p So yeah, just like the social thread in the General Chat section, any like random thought you...
  6. MonaWare

    Games you had low expectations for that blew you away

    This is a change up from 3rd Wario Bros thread about games that you were disappointed by : p So, yeah, have you ever got a game thinking it wouldnt be anything great, that ended up being something you would call a favorite game? I have a few : p The biggest one for me would probly be Baten...
  7. MonaWare

    Does your IRL personality fit your online persona?

    Super creative title there : p But yeah, thats something Ive been thinking about lately. I think even online, people have obvious personalities that and unique to them. I mean yeah, sometimes like in IRL, two people can have similar personalities (Ive always kinda thought Magma and Glowsquid...
  8. MonaWare

    Top five games for each console you own

    I feel like Ive actually done this before : p So I looked through all 13 pages of threads for this section but couldnt find anything like it. So I may have just posted it on another site which is why it could feel familiar. But anywho, since I cant find it I figured I could make it now : p But...
  9. MonaWare

    If you could only have ONE game console forever, which would you pick?

    So for some reason you can only have one single video game console for the rest of your life, and you can never have another one ever : p What would you pick? Id pick Wii. Because I both love Wii and Gamecube, and you can play both of them on the Wii : p Sadly its really hard to find the good...
  10. MonaWare

    Dont'cha hate it when.....

    You had a really good idea for a new thread while doing something away from the computer, and when you finally get back online you completely forget it? I really hate that, it happens to me all the time : p But, the good news, it gave me a new idea for a thread. So yeah, just like finish the...
  11. MonaWare

    I hate when they say (General Chit Chat version)

    Im taking this idea from BlueJackG, he posted this thread in the gaming section, and I thought it could make for a good convo for anything else in life, too : p Try to avoid posting about video game stuff though, since theres already a thread about that. This is the thread, in case you feel...
  12. MonaWare

    Retro gaming

    Im actually not sure how successful this thread will be here, with Wario games generally being retro already, but figured Id try anyway : p But anyway, yeah. I am in a convo on a youtube comment with another gamer who is currently awaiting to get a Sega Dreamcast. He is as excited about it as I...
  13. MonaWare

    The Wii Appreciation Thread

    Alot of people hate on the Wii. Mostly people who didnt have one, but even some people who did own a Wii hate on it. I actually remember being skeptical about it when I first heard about it too, actually : p But I bought one, and I absolutely loved the console. In fact its one of my all time...
  14. MonaWare

    Post a fact about yourself

    Alright, so we already have the "10 facts about you" thread, but it doesnt generate much acticivity due to being hard to come up with ten facts. So in order to bring back the facts thread, we can just have a general facts thread where you can post a fact about yourself (whatever fact you wanna...
  15. MonaWare

    Favorite "sad" music (read OP plz)

    Just wanted to put out a few rules real quick, this is meant to be a discussion, and not a youtube dump : p Posting videos of your favorite song is okay, BUT plz post one at a time, in a spoiler tag and plz post at least one or two sentences about why you like it, and what makes you feel that...
  16. MonaWare

    Poll Red or Blue?

    So Im making this thread because I have an odd fascination for colors, and wanna hear others opinions : p So yeah... Red or Blue? Which color would you pick to associate yourself with? Its really just a matter of which color you like better : p I wanna hear what color your pick, cuz...
  17. MonaWare

    Pinback was in a Warioware commercial!

    So AFK was used for a Warioware Twisted commercial : p To prove its Pinback : p It makes perfect sense too! Pinback is a band all about bass guitar, and as everyone knows Mona was a bass guitarist in touched : p To prove that its bass guitar youre hearing there : p Haha is pretty neat...
  18. MonaWare

    What makes you cry?

    And I mean like teary eyed and emotional, not actually like a serious intense "I need help" emotional response kinda thing : p Anywho, a few things can really make me feel emotional. Certain game endings have made me feel that way. Usually like the ones that were building up with a love story...
  19. MonaWare

    Poll Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network?

    So I was watching a youtuber's top ten lists of Cartoon Networks cartoons, and I saw that he did one for Nickelodeon too, and decided to watch it too. It was kinda cool seeing them compared to each other like that, and really got me excited by the idea of talking about them : p I kinda feel like...
  20. MonaWare

    What was the last thing you copypasted?

    So this is kinda forum games-y : p But these can be kinda fun : p Just post the last thing you copy pasted, it can be a url or some random info or an image or whatever : p (As long as its not offensive or inappropriate) I copied this bit of a skype conversation with CMV to show to some other...