(BGM playing.)

I'd like to thank my Mom,

Magma for those arguments,

And everyone else who replied and talked to me over these past 8 months! This is truly a great honour. Sorry, CM30. When people check out members the first person they'll see is me. Again, thank you! I hope to have another great 8 months with you all! ^^

you're not welcome
Their marketing for Earthbound is still probably the worst marketing in the history of video games, even worse than no marketing.
Reggie likes to think that Mother 3 would fail if it was localized because EarthBound failed. EarthBound failed because the marketing was absolutely awful. Not because the game was awful. EarthBound and even EarthBound Beginnings did wonderfully on the VC. Why is that so hard for him to understand? Does he just have a grudge against Mother fans for pestering him for a decade?