Got a call from my little sis, She got attacked on the street for voting Trump. Hopefully shes fine now. It sickens me how crazy voters are, if i where there i would RKO this person through the concrete.
Personally I don't want to see Trump win, but that's ridiculous! People deserve to vote whoever they want. I hate extremists.
Got a call from my little sis, She got attacked on the street for voting Trump. Hopefully shes fine now. It sickens me how crazy voters are, if i where there i would RKO this person through the concrete.
i cant believe im saying this, but i fucking hate that people are called bigots and get assaulted for voting for who they want. voting for trump is not grounds for having force used on you.
Yesterday I heard about a video thats viral right now of two men beating up another man for supporting Trump. This is what I mean when I talk about the divisive politics thats been pushed so much the past few years. Makes me angry.

Oh, my haul last night!-





I mean I have to wait a week or two to get them, cuz I ordered them online : p BUT, with this, all Ill need is Pinback's Autumn of the Seraphs, Three Mile Pilot's Na Vucca Du Lupu, Another Desert/ Another Sea, The Inevitable Past is the Future Forgotten, Gravity EP, Maps EP and Songs From An Old Town We Once Knew, and Ill have all of Zach's released music, haha : p Am way excited.

I also got a copy of the Nautical Antiques and Systems Officer EP for a friend for his birthday, am hoping he enjoys them : p

All together this cost me about 40$, was shocked.
Due to a wildfire yesterday, it's pretty hard for me to stand being outside due to it hurting my eyes and it's smell. I don't ever go outside much but even indoor it crawls into my room and annoys me. There's still smoke in the air today and I couldn't get much sleep... But it's not like I sleep much to begin with.
Following the rules is breaking the rules? what kind of damn rule is that? lol.

I broke the rules, do I get a pass? haha.

" So, rule number 1! always break the rules!"

"Rule number 2; no eating in class!"

*opens bag of chips and eats in class*

Following the rules is breaking the rules? what kind of damn rule is that? lol.

I broke the rules, do I get a pass? haha.

" So, rule number 1! always break the rules!"

"Rule number 2; no eating in class!"

*opens bag of chips and eats in class*

exactamundo. doing your homework and showing up on time is practically illegal! :3
Disgaea 3 is the game. its like fire emblem and final fantasy tactics with a sense of humor.