If it does, then I hope the water still makes that over the top electric guitar sound when it runs down.I really hope this microgame returns
I hope this boss returns:
But instead of buttons you use gyro controls (or both) to aim the laser. Getting the tiny rocks was always pretty finicky, which could be improved with gyro controls.
Honestly while I'm happy that this is a thing and I'm happy that Warioware is back, I have to admit, I would have much preferred a brand new title- I said "If they announce a new WW game (on switch) I'll buy a switch*!" the night before Direct, only to see it was the first thing they announced right off the bat at the 3DS section... I was confused, a bit upset (cus it's not on switch) but also happy to know the franchise isn't 100% dead yet
It is a very strange omission really, I imagine it's to make her more "kidlike" or "cutsy" in a sense? at least, that's kinda the vibe I getting from her here.also why is Ashley not wearing legging this time(the last set of badges seem to "spoil" the new style if you look back to it? she is wearing the exact outfit as the new game)
I don't know, I don't think anymore new main characters are necessary IMO,You know what would be cool? Since it's a game about old microgames as well as new, how about introducing a new character into the mix? Last time we got new ones were Penny and Young Cricket.
And I'm not against the idea that not every single character needs to have a stage in every game. If we have a couple of characters in each game that only have cameos or minor roles (like Orbulon and Dribble & Spitz in Touched or Mike in Smooth Moves) then that's fine with me.
...though now that I'm thinking about it, that would mean the new character(s) would be introduced with the "new" art style...
That's my mentality as well, heck, if we end up getting more stages then I'd honestly also rather have someone like 5-Volt, Sal Out or the Space Bunnies be promoted to stage host status, instead of a new character.I don't know, I don't think new main characters are necessary IMO,
That's not to say I'm against new characters or anything, but I would much rather have them work with the existing 15 characters as opposed to adding in a new one.
Though, I would love it if the characters interact more in other character's stories, whatever it's cameos or minor roles or hell, even major roles. (Where's my Wario and Mona Adventure story Ninty!) there's a goldmine of potential with the interactions they can have and I would love it if they start using it a bit more.
This is how the new warioware should be.
but I'm really fucking hyped about this!
You know what I want this game to have? FRIGGIN SAVE FILES!
It's frustrating that the only WarioWare game with save files is Smooth Moves.
WW inc. needed it, Twisted needed it, Touched needed it, even DIY could've used it.
It's so dumb that you have to delete everything if you just wanna play the game again like it was your first time.
Especially if you have unlockables based on getting records on EVERY SINGLE MICROGAME!
Mmmh good point... maybe they wanted to sell more copies?Indeed. Why did they never create save files for WarioWare games? It's not that much more memory space.
I can understand cutifying Kat & Ana, or even Ashley..."cutesy"
Mmmh good point... maybe they wanted to sell more copies?
You know what I want this game to have? FRIGGIN SAVE FILES!
It's frustrating that the only WarioWare game with save files is Smooth Moves.
WW inc. needed it, Twisted needed it, Touched needed it, even DIY could've used it.