Don't get your panties in a bunch just enjoy the game
Hey, people have the right to get their panties in as much of a bunch as they want, ok?

I hate this mentality of "Just shut up and eat your dessert!"
Let people voice their gripes! Just because they have some criticisms doesn't mean they don't like the game as a whole.
Do you just want us to ignore what we don't like about the games we play and blindly consume them like sheep?
Just because we point something out, doesn't mean we lose sleep over it.
Like right in the beginning Wario is celebrating getting the gold vase and then immediately says "I'm broke!" for no reason. The scene didn't call for it. It was said so quickly and so forced in there. Not even Martinet's get acting ability could make that sound natural. That's probably why he threw that "plbbbbt" in there.
Also if Wario is broke how was he able to afford this giant ass stadium for his tournament? The whole thing is just awkward and dumb. And so are many of the other story sections of the game.
Actually, the writing seems to be different from dub to dub.
For example, in the German version, when Wario holds up the vase he doesn't say
"It's mine! Gold! I love Gold! Urgh, this thing's heavy!", he says
"This is nothing to sneeze at! The trip has payed off after all!" (Implying he has been searching for a while)
And instead of
"I'm broke, but at least I got this gold thing." he says
"...even if it wasn't quite cheap. (referring to the trip)
But who cares about cash when Adventure calls?"
Wow! Wario! For once your sense of adventure is greater than your greed?

He also specifies that it's his
housekeeping money that has run out, so he probably has other savings that he used to host the Wario Bowl games.
And when he calls Ashley he says
"My dearest Ashley-..." 
So yeah the english writing seems a bit dumbed down in comparison.
Someone should translate the japanese dialog to see what they originally intended them to say. A simple change in wording can completely change the implications, and thus the story.
Atleast with the Wario Man transformations we get an idea as to why this is happening. He ate something really strange and it caused him to transform. Or he went through a machine and it caused him to transform. It's really silly but atleast I know what's going on.
Yeah there was always a reason behind it.
Twisted: Science
Touched: Biological reaction
Smooth Moves: more science
WW Gold: Uh... maybe something supernatural? Posession? Enchantment? Yokai? We're never told.
I'll just assume that it was magic.
I'm listening to some of the other german voices now. ^^

Jimmy's voice is much deeper in german (thus more fitting if you ask me).

Ashley is what you'd expect. Same with Kat & Ana.

Oh god, Joe sounds so goofy.

Mona is fine too.

The German dub straight-up confirms that Mona is a chubby chaser! 
"Ich mag Schwabbelbäckchen!" = I like (nickname for chubby people, or literally "chubby cheeks").
She compliments Joe on his chubbiness as well, not just his tie.

Crygor... is ok, I guess. Still not as deep as I'd like but whatever.

9-Volt sounds just as generic as in english. Not even very enthusiastic.

Fronk is fine.

Hahaha wow!

Dribble and Spitz have REALLY thicc dialects!

Spitz a Berlin dialect and Dribble a Bavarian one. Holy crap.

I'm surprised they didn't experiment with dialects more.

18-Volt sounds doofy enough.
And holy shit the German dub confirms his age! He says he's only 9 years old! 
Young Cricket and Master Mantis' voices sound fine. Mantis' voice is a bit gruff but that's fine.
5-Volt, Penny and Orbulon sound fine too.
First of all whatever comppaints people have about the voice acting is nothing compared to how bad the writing is. There are time where I ask myself... "Why did you say that?" Or, "What's with the awkward pause." Or, "Was that supposed to be funny?"
I gotta admit, some of the stories really didn't seem very... well thought out.
There often wasn't much of a punchline, or if there was, then it was pretty weak, so it felt like they ended abruptly, rather than with a bang.
But this game fails to capture what the old games used to have. It's style, it's humor, it's characters.
It's definitely very different in terms of style.
The old cutscenes had a really nice flow to them. Like a musical composition. It was like listening to a song. In fact, the music was often the focal point of the cutscenes, especially in Smooth Moves and Game & Wario. It seemed like the visuals were often oriented to the music, not the other way around. Or at least, they were closely intertwined. That gave you the feeling like you were wathcing a classic Tom & Jerry cartoon or something.
It made them very appealing and I loved to watch them multiple times, whether it was on the GBA or all the way to the Wii U.
The new ones don't even HAVE music a lot of the time.
And so I just don't get that same feeling. After watching them once I'm like "Eh... I'm good." and don't really go back to watch them again.
And yeah, some of the stories did seem pretty mundane, not just Mona's. 9-Volt is bored at school, Kat & Ana eat...
I guess when the characters have to just stand around and talk to each other, you can't put them in many crazy situations.
I think that's what it all boils down to. Most of the "cutscenes" just feature two characters standing opposite of each other and talking.
So there's not much room for crazy shenanigans or tightly knit compositions.
I talked about this the other day. This game is more talk and less action, previous games were more action, less talk.
Makes me wonder if the whole voice acting thing was all worth it in the end...
Did it pay off? Did it improve the experience? Or would we be better off if we went back to less talk and more action?
What if the next WarioWare also had voice acting, but the cutscenes were styled more like Smooth Moves' or Game & Warios?
So there's still spoken dialog, but it's no longer the sole focus.
Honestly, I wouldn't miss the voice acting. Yeah, it's nice and quaint that they talk in full sentences now, but don't think it added that much to the experience.
It felt more like an experiment or... ...
dare I say... ...a gimmick? oAo