Ah you've got to love the in-universe internet forum in WarioWare DIY: https://www.mariowiki.com/D.I.Y._Forum. Funny premise, though our site certainly has a better community than Diamond City's version...
Is it weird that I just realised why Nintendo designed the Mario 64 bosses the way they did? Cause when you think about it, they do try and use the 'teach by experience' design set up from the games as a whole, and most are built off mechanics you'd be using a lot in their level. It's just they... kind of didn't do anything interesting with those ideas there.
Old now, but anyone else kind of feel World Bowser was what Super Mario 3D World should have been like in general? Felt like the one world with a consistent theme, some interesting story background and a somewhat grounded setting beyond 'stuff in space'. If the other worlds were that original, the game could have been a real classic.
Am I the only fan of the original Luigi's Mansion who likes Dark Moon just as much? Both are some of my favourite games ever, and I feel the 3DS game was everything a sequel should be. Yet it seems like fans of the original are always so down on the 3DS one...
I've always found it amusing to think that I'll never become a YouTuber LPer not because I don't like the idea of making videos, but because I simply can't pace my video game playthroughs like that. Keep to playing a game once per day to make a video? Hah, whenever I get a new Mario/Zelda/Wario/Smash Bros game, I end up beating the whole thing in a single marathon. Limiting myself to about 30 minutes a day for a video would be torture...
Okay, I'm gonna rant a bit here, but can game designers please stop forcing camera angle changes on players at random times? Seriously, give us an option just to say "Don't move the camera unless I specifically move it myself". So many problems in 3D platformers would be fixed if that was the case. Super Mario Sunshine would become a thousand times more playable and stuff like DK64 would be much better too.
It's been a while, but I'm still not a fan of how Zelda Wiki went to Gamepedia. Seems counter to the idea of a Nintendo INDEPENDENT Wiki Alliance. If Mario Wiki ever gets an offer by a corporation like that, I'd genuinely be interested in raising money to buy the site specifically so a billionaire CEO and friends don't get their hands on it.
God, it's so pathetic when people complain about games telling them to 'get gud' or what not. At the end of the day, a game is something you beat thanks to skill, you're not 'owed' the ending just for owning it. And if a game wants to point that out, well that's fine. Lighten up a bit.
Okay, I'm gonna say it right now. If you're going to blame the recent crimes in America on 'video game violence', you're an idiot. Start solving real problems, not blaming gamers for everything.