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  • Ah you've got to love the in-universe internet forum in WarioWare DIY: Funny premise, though our site certainly has a better community than Diamond City's version...
    Why are people randomly posting song lyrics?
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    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    But seriously though, it's just one of those randomly occuring things here.
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    Yup! Just for laughs!
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Pretty much indeed. Remember that one time almost everyone had a Shantae profile pic, or when we binge-posted things like ¨wah,¨ or that time when some people just posted one-word messages to get more money? It's those random ass things that make forums funny.
    Disabled a dozen or so ad formats, not sure if that improves anything.
    Wait, Nintendo remembered the Satellaview exists? Cause one of the new Mario Odyssey costumes is based on it, as noted in the datamine
    Wow, we apparently have more than 300 smilies here on Wario Forums. And there are still loads more to be added!
    Is it weird that I just realised why Nintendo designed the Mario 64 bosses the way they did? Cause when you think about it, they do try and use the 'teach by experience' design set up from the games as a whole, and most are built off mechanics you'd be using a lot in their level. It's just they... kind of didn't do anything interesting with those ideas there.
    Do you ever come across an article online and think 'jeez, whoever wrote this is clearly batshit insane'?
    Just somehow found a blog post saying Cuphead was evil because it was offensive to Hinduism or something.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    All too often. For me, the most amazing thing about the internet is not the amount of information, or the amount of pictures and footage, but the amount of bullshit.
    Old now, but anyone else kind of feel World Bowser was what Super Mario 3D World should have been like in general? Felt like the one world with a consistent theme, some interesting story background and a somewhat grounded setting beyond 'stuff in space'. If the other worlds were that original, the game could have been a real classic.
    Anyone find it hard to get back into 3DS games after playing the Switch? Eh, I feel like that's the case here. The system feels tiny now.
    Though hey, even that's better than playing Super Mario 64 DS again. Love the game, but damn the controls have aged poorly.
    I still don't have a Switch, and I don't care if I get one or not. I always thought some 3ds games looked pretty cool though.
    Am I the only fan of the original Luigi's Mansion who likes Dark Moon just as much? Both are some of my favourite games ever, and I feel the 3DS game was everything a sequel should be. Yet it seems like fans of the original are always so down on the 3DS one...
    Luigi's Mansion made sense, a guy lost in a haunted mansion. Luigi's Mansion 2 has to feature several mansions, which kinda ruin the importance of the first one. Feels like the way the made LM2 was the easy way out, and as opposed to what everyone thinks, no it wasn't creative. Now, was it a bad game? No, absolutely not, it's as good as the first but without that magic and uniqueness. It could've, however, surpassed the first easily if the plot was better and they didn't add 5 new mansions in.
    I think both games have some things that they do better than the other.
    Dark Moon does a lot of things right... I just find the mission structure annoying- The game constantly tells you "you can't do this yet". Or... "you CAN do this... but you won't get rewarded for it yet. So do it again next mission!"
    I've always been split on the mission structure idea. Honestly, I like and dislike it at the same time.

    On the one hand, it really takes a lot of the exploration out, and makes exploring the mansions less interesting than it could have been.

    At the same time however, it also lets them to interesting change ups over the course a level, and adds replay value. Stuff like Paranormal Chaos works well with this setup:

    Also makes me think of stuff like that Luigi's Mansion 3 article I wrote and ideas like being on a ghost ship that falls apart as you explore then sinks after hitting an iceberg or something.
    I've always found it amusing to think that I'll never become a YouTuber LPer not because I don't like the idea of making videos, but because I simply can't pace my video game playthroughs like that. Keep to playing a game once per day to make a video? Hah, whenever I get a new Mario/Zelda/Wario/Smash Bros game, I end up beating the whole thing in a single marathon. Limiting myself to about 30 minutes a day for a video would be torture...
    How about recording a full playthrough of the game and then cutting it in episodes through editing?
    I like SOME lps if like its a game I once played and liked and want to revisit, or if Im stuck and want to figure out how to get past something in the game. But yeah for the most part I dont like lrts plays. I do like review channels though, as well as like channels that just play the game with no commentary.
    Yeah watching some footage with no commentary is great because it gives me an idea of how the game really is without some annoying player cracking jokes and screaming. I like reviews because they talk about the game and give their thoughts in a condensed video.
    Okay, I'm gonna rant a bit here, but can game designers please stop forcing camera angle changes on players at random times? Seriously, give us an option just to say "Don't move the camera unless I specifically move it myself". So many problems in 3D platformers would be fixed if that was the case. Super Mario Sunshine would become a thousand times more playable and stuff like DK64 would be much better too.
    It's like these things are designed by the same morons behind modern operating systems on computers, the ones who think settings should change in random releases and new apps should be installed regardless of what the user wants. No, just do your job. Provide a system that does what the user wants and gets out of the damn way.
    It's been a while, but I'm still not a fan of how Zelda Wiki went to Gamepedia. Seems counter to the idea of a Nintendo INDEPENDENT Wiki Alliance. If Mario Wiki ever gets an offer by a corporation like that, I'd genuinely be interested in raising money to buy the site specifically so a billionaire CEO and friends don't get their hands on it.
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    Reactions: JS Shantae
    Fortunately for you, proplemontage is agressively anti-wiki farms.
    also it actually happened. Curse tried to buy us lol
    God, it's so pathetic when people complain about games telling them to 'get gud' or what not. At the end of the day, a game is something you beat thanks to skill, you're not 'owed' the ending just for owning it. And if a game wants to point that out, well that's fine. Lighten up a bit.
    I suspect half the whiny 'journalist' types would have a crying fit if they read the Donkey Kong 64 manual too:

    > Tough luck kid. I've been told to keep my mouth shut, as they want to keep all the good stuff for a money-making strategy guide. I'm sure some of it will appear on the newfangled 'internet' thing as well, so I suggest you take a look-see there. You could also ask your friends, assuming of course you've got any. If all else fails, you'll just have to play better.
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    I think "git gud" is a good thing. Like you said its what makes games what they are. "git gud" is however not an excuse for unfair games. As much as i hate journalists complaining about difficulty it did recently cross my mind that they probably have tight deadlines so struggling to beat a hard game in time must be a headache. BotW could definitely kick your ass if you aren't prepared but much of the game is optional and you can beat it whenever you what and gaming journalists seem to really enjoy that game. I may disagree with how they complain about games like Crash and Cuphead but i'm starting to think gaming journalism is fundamentally flawed and we shouldn't hate on them so much. You probably aren't targeting journalist in particular but ince they where mentioned i just wanted to add that. Everyone else has no excuse for complaining.
    Okay, I'm gonna say it right now. If you're going to blame the recent crimes in America on 'video game violence', you're an idiot. Start solving real problems, not blaming gamers for everything.
    JS Shantae
    JS Shantae
    That doesn’t seem to be as prevalent as it was in the past, in the era of Lieberman and Thompson. These days it’s people like Anita whatshername and her goons attacking games for not having enough ugly women and black people
    True, the 'video games causing violence' narrative isn't as common, but it's still there at times, and it's still infuriating. And the 'video games are sexist/racist/whatever' crap from people like Sarkeesian is just as bad. It's the 'leftist' version of Jack Thompson and 'video games cause violence'.
    I actually do kinda sympathise with the "well endowed" women in video games thing a bit. I mean I can see why some people are bothered by it. But I think people like that anita woman take it too far. I mean its not making men into extreme perverts. People like certain physical traits, I mean games and movies and tv shows usually cast or create attractive men, too.

    I remember when I first played tales of symphonia, and saw the character Sheena. I thought I was going to hate her cuz of her oversized chest. She ended up being my favorite character, though. She was the only female character made in that way, so it wasnt that big of a deal. But at the same time, I wish she wasnt rememered so well because of her chest : / But that didnt stop her from being a great character.
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