Super Mario World has the subtitle Super Mario Bros 4 in Japan and Yoshi's Island has the subtitle of Super Mario World 2 so SMB mutated into Yoshi games which are derivitive of Mario but a more exploratory approach and a new moveset. On the handheld scene Wario Land is Super Mario Land 3 so SML mutated into WL which is like Mario but with a more exploratory approach and a new moveset. Mario throws Yoshi down cliffs to save himself, Mario and Wario have a sour relationship. They must have been plotting behind the scenes to take Mario's console and handheld series. But our lord and saviour Shigu Miemo had a plan. He released Super Mario 64. Wario and Yoshi don't have super huge 3D franchises like Mario and are doomed with sales not as high as Mario's. Mario let this happen, he left them with sloopy seconds. Mario is a master of deception who will always find ways to make higher sales than his bretheren. If only Daddy Miemo didn't let favouritism of his bitches run rampant. But hey thats just a theory, A GAME THEORY!!!