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  • Hmm, after having seen some footage of Fall Guys and noting its popularity, I just want to say one thing:

    If you work for the company/studio behind any Ninja Warrior/Wipeout variant or Takeshi's Castle, take full advantage of this game and its hype.

    You're not going to be able to get a live episode going for obvious reasons, so promote this game a bit instead. Get a tie in costume added to promote your series. Etc.

    You can get a lot of attention if you do that...
    Hmm, need to post here a bit more at some point. Interest in the series is a bit low recently though, especially without a new game.
    Wario Land Switch when?
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Yeah, was a bit inactive too, but I had some personal issues, so sorry for that.
    Don't apologize! We come and go as we please here! Especially as we wait for another Wario game.
    I'm not sure if it's amusing or disturbing that there's actually a wiki dedicated to cataloging real people considered 'evil'.

    Bonus points for a 300 page long disallowed topics list, consisting of basically every controversial YouTuber and internet figure in history:

    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Coincidentally, I have only known of this wiki for a few weeks before you mentioned it here, and I must say that it is a very decently, well-written wiki with lots of information. Though I wouldn't call it 'fandom' haha. Guess that's just some black comedy joke, much like how most of these villains, especially the dictators, have things like 'torturing', 'murdering', 'oppressing' listed under hobbies in the infobox.

    But as good as this wiki is, there is still quite a bit of untrue information, like the statement that Geert Wilders wants to 'rid the Netherlands of muslims and Moroccans', which is simply not true, and there being of course a heavy subjectivity of the writers in many topics, something that is inherent with wikis like these.
    Well, the site should be running on the latest PHP version now.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    But still no square profile pics.:shulk:
    I prefer the round profile pics, sorry.
    Well, probably gonna host a video game tournament for the members of Wario Forums, Gaming Reinvented, Gaming Latest, etc next week. Seems like a nice bit of competition should bring activity to the sites and Discord servers, especially if there are prizes involved...
    I wonder if you could get Vinesauce Vinny? He's a big fan of WarioWare and has played Wario Land 4 and Smash on stream.
    Not a bad idea to be honest. Personally I was thinking of someone different for the Mario Kart and Smash Bros sides (with TWD98 for the Mario Kart one and a pro Smash player/streamer for the Smash Bros one), but that's another possibilty there.
    AK family home likes WarioWare?
    Does anyone else have a habit of bolding names, option labels, page titles, etc in the middle of content?

    Dunno, feels like too much wiki usage and Mario game playing has got me using a toned down version of Rainbow Speak in real life:

    Bold - no.
    Italics - when I was to highlight something that would spoken with an emphasis.
    see em three oh should shut the fuck up
    in all seriousness, i do very rarely, usually in the context of my thread where I occasionally give FL tips and tricks. usually I just use italics (or different fonts and/or sizes, come to think of it) to emphasize, like i did just now.
    Quick tip for any companies that make games, TV shows, online content, etc:

    Try and get as much stuff out now as possible. With the coronavirus pandemic getting worse, people are getting really bored about now, and would love to play some new games.

    You've got a captive audience for two months or so, do something with it.
    No Nintendo Direct yet, but hopefully when it comes... it'll bring a new Wario Land or WarioWare announcement!
    • Agree
    Reactions: tahutoa
    Still hoping for new Wario Land, eh?
    I will never stop hoping for a new Wario Land game. Hopefully it won't get to the point where I'm on my deathbed in sixty or so years and Nintendo still hasn't released one.
    CRAZY Wario's CRAZY Galaxy
    Hmm, apparently there's some interest on YouTube in the idea of a Discord server for Gaming Reinvented.

    So for the people here that follow the site or channel, would you be interested in the same?
    So when are you gonna post those other sprite tiles for Hotel Horror and the like on Spriters' Resource?
    Yeah. He posted something on the WL4 page back in like August of 2018 saying he was going to upload the tile sheets for like three or four levels that were (and currently still are) missing.
    Hmm, guess I should post those there and on Mario Fan Games Galaxy soon. Kinda forgot about all this stuff.
    Old, but I did add a few of them to MFGG since this post was written. Will try and submit the others sometime soon
    It's super obvious now, but I'll put money on it none the less; we'll get another Donkey Kong Country game on Switch at some point, and the big gimmick will be K Rool and the Kremlings returning.
    K Rool returned in Smash Bros. He's the one character outside those in the Retro games in the Donkey Kong yearly calendar. And games like these come in groups of three.
    i figured that's what you meant, but even still, that's no guarantee
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Well, I hope so. King K. Rool is my favourite Nintendo villain, and I actually missed him in the more recent DKC games. My only concern is that they will tone down K. Rool's evilness, like what happened to Bowser over the years.
    No, I haven't forgotten about this site. Just been busy with some other stuff recently.
    God, looking at Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled and then Mario Kart makes you think about how much potential the latter could have with a developer who cares about the series as a whole. The series really needs its own Sakurai equivalent to be honest.
    • Agree
    Reactions: MarioSpore
    I hate it when people complain about something they don't like and say it's because developers "don't care". CTR Nitro Fueled has an impressive roster and has shaped up to be quite a nice game but Mario Kart 8/Deluxe isn't anything to scoff at either. It's pretty apparent there's a problem with Nintendo's various development teams being unusually splintered and sometimes unwilling to acknowledge eachothers' works Combine that with the meddling of Miyamoto and other higher ups and the Mario Kart 8 team had to work under several limitations. Even so, they still put out an excellent game with those limitations in mind.
    What's your opinion on Mario Kart Tour?
    Honestly, haven't played it. Don't want to support the monetisation scheme in play there, so aren't going to download it any time soon.
    Yeah, I don't blame you at all. It's difficult to look past the "free to play" model that pesters you for money to obtain things in the game. The biggest problem is that it's easier to get points if you pay up.

    Despite that, I do think there's a lot of potential. The different costumes characters get, the updates, the high amount of vehicles and characters, and the game looking very nice makes me pretty hopeful for the next Mario Kart. Admittedly, I've been having a lot of fun with MKT.
    There's certainly potential for content in the next 'real' Mario Kart game, perhaps even on Switch. Would love to see the likes pf Pauline in Mario Kart 9.
    The ScareScraper time running out theme from Luigi's Mansion 3 may have just overtaken the Wario Land 4 time running out theme for 'best theme to use for a real life alarm clock/fire alarm'.
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