I wonder when the next Mario and Luigi game will come out? Paper jam was okay but I want something like Dream team or Partners in time! I've been playing every M&L game so far and just finished up Partners in time, onward to Bowser's inside story!

Little side note : I'm one of those players who level up nothing but Pow. I beat the first two games pretty easy by doing that, bosses were a walk in the park with bro attacks/item attacks. I know this won't happen but I hope the next Mario and Luigi is on a console, I love the feeling of waking up in the morning, going down stairs, booting up the ol' console and playing a new game!
Next one will most likely be on NX. Something I liked about Partners in Time was how Bowser was a boss while not being the final boss (Shrowser battle doesn't count!).
And yeah, I started playing Superstar Saga recently. I like leveling up stache.
Speaking of NX, I'm really hoping they show it this month or very early November! I want to see what it can do, what it looks like and what games we'll be getting, the NX reveal could bring a lot of discussions here. What will get me to buy the system?
  • New 3d Mario game like Galaxy or something.
  • Luigi's mansion 3
Hoping for some real good launch titles. I wonder how well its graphics will look? The wii u's already looked pretty awesome, could they improve a game such as Mario Kart 8 with even better graphics? probably not, the style of Mario Kart 8 looks amazing as it is, but on the side if they could --- I'd love to see how that'll turn out.
i might consider the nx if Loz: breath of the wild is good and they come out with some other really good game, like a metroid game that ISNT SCREWED UP ]:-[
oh, and backward compatibility with the wii u would be great.
Speaking of NX, I'm really hoping they show it this month or very early November! I want to see what it can do, what it looks like and what games we'll be getting, the NX reveal could bring a lot of discussions here. What will get me to buy the system?
  • New 3d Mario game like Galaxy or something.
  • Luigi's mansion 3
Hoping for some real good launch titles. I wonder how well its graphics will look? The wii u's already looked pretty awesome, could they improve a game such as Mario Kart 8 with even better graphics? probably not, the style of Mario Kart 8 looks amazing as it is, but on the side if they could --- I'd love to see how that'll turn out.

Isn't it supposed to be a console/handheld hybrid? Currently, I don't care too much about the NX at the moment. But if anything, yes there needs to be a new Mario game, and one that's a proper 3D game and not one like 3d world. I hope the NX is portable, as in being able to travel around with it and not like the Wii U.
It probably will have backward compatibility like all consoles it had since the wii, I could imagine wii u game covers having "Wii u/NX" on the top, unless they'll just kill the wii u altogether. Zelda has never been a system seller to me, I enjoyed only one Zelda title out of the rest and that was wind waker, I had fun with all the puzzles and it had lots of action into it.

I should finish the game, I'm pretty close to beating it anyway, I think I stopped playing it because Smash wii u came out and that just took my attention from the other wii u games....

Prove it took my attention.

Not to say 3d world was bad, right? I enjoyed the hell out of that game with my sister. Yeah, it was said to be some kind of hybrid between Console and handheld, which is why I want to see it now and see how that'll turn out! I'm very curious to how that could work.
3D world was decent, it just wasn't as big as something like Galaxy or Sunshine. Oh, it also needs gamecube games on the eshop and a new Wario Land game.
It wasn't really meant to be the next big 3d Mario, just the sequel to 3d land on the 3ds. I don't know if I want Galaxy 3, just Mario's next big 3d title, but if it is Galaxy 3 then that'll be fine too. Yes, Gamecube games on the NX eshop sounds like fun! I'd download TTYD in an instant! Whoa whoa, let's not get ahead of ourselves! Wario Land? Warioware maybe, but Land --- eh, I guess you never know.
Yeah, I know that part. If Nintendo wasn't doing their best to ignore the land series I'd probably be more open to the idea of Nintendo making a new Wario land. But so far it looks like most of their attention it towards the Ware series, though Paper Mario did get this ---

Something land related! its been so long, hasn't it?
If they reverence it then a newone may come in time. Don't hold your breath it may be awhile.
Notice how Wario games are either at the beginning or end of a consoles life span since VBWL and i doubt they'll make one for a launch title, five years tops. kinda long but whatever.
Alright, they sell better than Ware, but does it sell nearly enough for Nintendo to consider making more? I'm no expert on Wario land, but I'm pretty sure the last game did not sell enough, and the last game was nearly 8 years ago.