Sure, so a few days ago people were minding their own business on the Shout-box, right? out of nowhere without warning Metal randomly started posting porn of real life people and fictional characters. Metal told us he always does this when he's "bored", I was watching to see what happens next, then BlueJack started kindly asking Metal to stop, but as you would expect, he didn't listen. Started as a small fight between Blue and him, nothing too big.

a few others such as TB100 and Just a Wario fan saw this, TB100 said something along the lines of "I knew this would happen", Just a Wario fan issued a report button feature for the Shout-box, sadly this couldn't be done due to lack of code.

No idea why he started posting porn out of nowhere, being bored isn't a good reason. I mean, he should know posting porn/Hentai is prohibited, especially on a site meant for kids of all ages.
Had snow Wednesday, it didn't stay because of the wet ground. That could possibly be the only snow I'll see all Winter. I hope it snows on Christmas day, but I've only ever witnessed that once. Wishful thinking time. ^.^
We usually have snow on Christmas, like several inches. Though weve had a few snowless Christmases in my life time, and they do kinda feel sad, haha : p
I think we usually get most of our snow in February-April. Unfortunately, there's not much skating anymore nowadays, while Frisia used to be known for skating, especially with the Elfstedentocht. (of which we unfortunately haven't had one since 1997, before I was born. d:()
Last year we had tons of snow : p Doing truck on snow days was hard too, had to dig out the doorway and continually put salt down while we worked. Then we had to pull heavy stuff on ice, was scary. Was hoping for a mild winter this time around but seems it will be harsh again : / Am not excited.

Holy Cow, this is amazing! where can I pre-order?
Snow is very beautiful, looks especially nice when it's snowing at night while the city lights glow. = ~ =

Oh my G! just thinking of it is making me all warm inside, though snow has its ---
EVIL side! yeah, you read that right. It can get very tiring shoveling almost everyday, not to mention when those big trucks move snow onto your driveway, getting rid of that is extreamly exhausting. If you have a job, it'll be very cold in the mornings, also you could get stuck easily if there are large amount of snow. This coming from a Canadian where it snows more than it's okay.

However, sliding, making Snowmen...Snow can be very fun, and very hard. Think of snow as your best friend Slash worst enemies.

Pro Tip : Don't eat the yellow snow.
I get where you're coming from, but I have to do that every other day all winter, which is why I find it annoying these days, haha. ^~^
The way you put it sounds very enjoyable! however my fingers and arms pain when I go for a nap after shoveling.