Your dad probably knows my dad who too works for Nintendo. lol


Also forgot to mention, Red's also in this badge thing (just found out, lol.)
Nintendo's trolling you, there won't be an Ashley game.
lol, nintendo is like the inventor of corporate trolling: DMCA, game titles that frankly no one asked for, titles we did want that got butchered, and the great, INFAMOUS, cancelling game series that people actually liked.
oh, and they're disconnected from society as hell, dont ask me who thought it was a good idea to make people pay real money for games like meme run and bigleys revenge.
Holy crap! They actually remember Ashley's Mansion.
Anyways, something about this image plus that other image is making me curious about something, call me crazy, but could this image, plus the previous image, be hinting at a Mother-style Wario rpg For the 3DS? I know it sounds super crazy, but Wario's quirky characters and style would mix pretty well with mother's gameplay. Plussss, Nintendo is still making games for the 3DS well into next year and possibly beyond, and well, wario still hasn't had a 3DS game yet so and it would be a perfect fit for the 3ds , so maybe.

But... Of course, It could also be just be a bunch of bullcrap, but that still would be amazing regardless if it did happen.
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lol, nintendo is like the inventor of corporate trolling: DMCA, game titles that frankly no one asked for, titles we did want that got butchered, and the great, INFAMOUS, cancelling game series that people actually liked.
oh, and they're disconnected from society as hell, dont ask me who thought it was a good idea to make people pay real money for games like meme run and bigleys revenge.
Nah if anyone is the king is trolling, it's Konami. Let see, cancelling highly anticipated games, (Silent Hills, etc) releasing clearly unfinished games (Metal Gear Solid 5) giving us stuff that no one ever wanted (Metal Gear Survive, Castlevania lords of shadows, Etc.) and giving stuff that we did want, like a fox engine remake of MGS3 and then turning it, plus other iconic franchises like castlevania and silent hill into F**KING PACHINKO MACHINES!!! And that's not even all, they bought a beloved game company and ran it, alongside it's ips right into the f**king ground, (R.I.P Hudson Soft) completely ending console development
And moving to mobile because GreedIsGood:, taking down videos just because some youtuber was speaking the truth, and last of all...
Hiring a horrible CEO that knows absolutely NOTHING!!! About video games.
Okay sure Nintendo may make stupid decisions, but they're freaking angels compared to konami. Simply put, F**konami.

Sorry for the big rant, but I need to get it off my chest.

TL;DR - Konami is far worse at trolling then Nintendo ever will be.

(Oh yeah once again, sorry for two posts in a row. I was going to make This and the previous post one giant post, But I didn't want to make it too long, So I separated the two.)
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Nah if anyone is the king is trolling, it's Konami. Let see, cancelling highly anticipated games, (Silent Hills, etc) releasing clearly unfinished games (Metal Gear Solid 5) giving us stuff that no one ever wanted (Metal Gear Survive, Castlevania lords of shadows, Etc.) and giving stuff that we did want, like a fox engine remake of MGS3 and then turning it, plus other iconic franchises like castlevania and silent hill into F**KING PACHINKO MACHINES!!! And that's not even all, they bought a beloved game company and ran it, alongside it's ips right into the f**king ground, (R.I.P Hudson Soft) completely ending console development
And moving to mobile because GreedIsGood:, taking down videos just because some youtuber was speaking the truth, and last of all...
Hiring a horrible CEO that knows absolutely NOTHING!!! About video games.
Okay sure Nintendo may make stupid decisions, but they're freaking angels compared to konami. Simply put, F**konami.

Sorry for the big rant, but I need to get it off my chest.

TL;DR - Konami is far worse at trolling then Nintendo ever will be.

(Oh yeah once again, sorry for two posts in a row. I was going to make This and the previous post one giant post, But I didn't want to make it too long, So I separated the two.)

lol konami wins in that case, not that its a contest, hopefully theres no trolling contest :p
Wii U sales were bad because of the name and lack of 3rd party games. Good for fanatics of Nintendo games, bad for everyone else. The tablet gimmick wasn't something to write home about either.

Here's one of those High quality mixes of Ashley's song, though this one is very nice that it sounds like a normal mega mix Ashley song!

Oh, nice pictures, PJ! Yeah, that would be wicked if it were part of Zelda's potion shop, even though I didn't even know they had one, lol. Like I said, I'm not a huge Zelda player, just played a few games - but Breath of the wild looks amazing and I'll most likely get for the Switch.

Here's one of those High quality mixes of Ashley's song, though this one is very nice that it sounds like a normal mega mix Ashley song!

Oh, nice pictures, PJ! Yeah, that would be wicked if it were part of Zelda's potion shop, even though I didn't even know they had one, lol. Like I said, I'm not a huge Zelda player, just played a few games - but Breath of the wild looks amazing and I'll most likely get for the Switch.

lol the memified version was just, wtf. you should listen to it if you haven't already.
the version on here was cool.
I already heard Siivagunners version, it was pretty good but I like this more "clean" version more, without all those random noises thrown in, however I miss the "Gangnam style" part added to Siiva's version.

For some reason there are many "High quality" mixes of her song, I've listened to most of them at this point - doesn't bug me in any way however, I think it's a good chance for her name to get out there in the gaming community!