To be honest, he even gambles in the games to some extent. In Wario Land, you can double your coins in a gambling minigame. The exact same game also appears in a larger format in Wario Land for the Virtual boy.I could get behind this. He's got awful money management skills in general ("Balloons ain't cheap!"). Couple that with bad luck and you got your answer as to why Wario always keeps losing whatever he gains.
He doesn'tDoes Wario have take off his overalls when going to the bathroom?
I always liked to imagine that 5-Volt looked just like 9-Volt as a kid, then became a teen mom after she shot up and was hot all of a sudden. 9-Volt's helmet used to be hers.5-Volt's husband is rarely ever home and kinda forgets about his son 9-Volt, which in turn makes him feel rather abandoned sometimes.
5-Volt still loves her husband but wishes he spent more time with his family.
Also, 9-Volt has attention deficit disorder and 18-Volt is dyslexic.
Well, that's also quite likely, considering my love for Nintendo was sparked when my dad downloaded an NES emulator, GBA emulator, and a metric shitton of ROMs for the latter (there were a couple hundred for the NES one that I remember, but the GBA had thousands from both GB/GBC and GBA). I remember being confused at why the first two Wario Lands were in black and white, and because I couldn't read very well yet, had to memorize the order that the versions of Wario Land II in the explorer window came in so I could play the one that was in color. Interestingly, I don't remember having a ROM for 3, just WL, II, II in color, and 4... I disliked that WL1 Wario didn't have his cap, and disliked WL4 Wario's ugly jagged teeth. That was the main reason why I always opted for II when I played Wario.Plausible, especially the helmet part. It's aldp shown throughout the games that she also likes games quite a bit too, so maybe 9-Volt's love for games and Nintendo came from 5-Volt? As in, she gave all her consoles, toys, merch, everything to her son, thus resulting in the 9-Volt we know today, which was probably pretty similar to 5-Volt as a kid.
Nintendo really should give us some more lore...
I still do like this idea. I can't believe it's already been three years. And believe you me, that's because this was the thing that caused me to realize I literally am as good as drunk when I'm tired. The initial post isn't that bad, though.Well, that's also quite likely, considering my love for Nintendo was sparked when my dad downloaded an NES emulator, GBA emulator, and a metric shitton of ROMs for the latter (there were a couple hundred for the NES one that I remember, but the GBA had thousands from both GB/GBC and GBA). I remember being confused at why the first two Wario Lands were in black and white, and because I couldn't read very well yet, had to memorize the order that the versions of Wario Land II in the explorer window came in so I could play the one that was in color. Interestingly, I don't remember having a ROM for 3, just WL, II, II in color, and 4... I disliked that WL1 Wario didn't have his cap, and disliked WL4 Wario's ugly jagged teeth. That was the main reason why I always opted for II when I played Wario.
On top of this, even though we had a PS2 at the time, I remember being blown away by the graphics in Super Mario Bros. 3-- this was in 2005, mind you-- and later on, we got an N64 emulator and was like holy shit dude looking at SSB64 (even though by this point I was already a huge player of Pac-Man World 2 and the first two Tak games on PS2), and my brain halfway exploded when I got to see Melee on the Dolphin emulator (funnily enough, that's where I learned about the relationship between X and Y axes).
tl;dr by coincidence I got to experience the entire evolution of console gaming in order despite being born in 2000.
So yeah, it's entirely possible. Also, the idea of a younger 5-Volt not knowing how to cope with all the sudden attention is adorable-- like she's got that helmet on and sees all these people, including other girls, checking her out, and just has no idea what the hell is going on.
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You can't fathom how much I love the idea of some little story snippet or one-shot or whatever where you're led to believe that you're following 9-Volt around, but at the very end we find out that this kid in the helmet is really an infantile 5-Volt."Sweetie, I didn't get tall until I was like, uhhh 16, I think. 17? I dunno, it's been a while."
"Seventeen?! That's like a million years from now!"
"Yup, you'll be an old man."
"...I remember I was a really late bloomer, though."
*Starts stroking chin* "Arr, yes, it was the summer of '93, it was... I went from almost exactly your height to 5'0 in less than a year!"
*squint, one-sided grimace* "It was a darrrk and haarrrible time fer all..."
"did you sound like a pirate"
*nodding head with eyes closed* "Aye..."
I'm going to wake up and regretTo clarify, you can't fathom how much I love the idea of some little story snippet or one-shot or whatever where you're led to believe that you're following 9-Volt around, but at the very end we find out that this kid in the helmet is really an infantile 5-Volt, and we get some family photo on the wall timeline thing, best summarised as:
"Hey it's 9-volt
"wait why is 9-volt taller
"wow that's a lot taller, who's that guy
"A child has been born and is being held in a weary, gown-clad 5-volt's arms. The newly-made mother smiles teary-eyed into the camera, eyes glistening behind a green visor
"the newborn sleeps, the helmet can be seen resting upon a nearby table. Awwww, sleepy baby
"the child is a bit older, crawling around, is now wearing the helmet
"5-volt and the child are now standing side by side"
It's like the beginning of Toy Story, where you think the photos are Andy but the pictures are actually of Andy's father, of whom he is the spitting image (to clarify further, the house is Andy's grandparents' house, Andy's dad is Andy Sr., he's the one who owned the toys, his Woody doll thought that Andy Jr. was Andy Sr, that's why all of Andy's toys except for Buzz are old as shit, etc. Really cool plot twist, only found out a few months ago). i edited this years old post so i won't want to kill myself as much