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  • ""Lift's not working!" (...)
    Then a female face wearing a baseball cap appeared at the railing.
    "Why not?"
    "Jam," Tim and I said simultaneously.
    "It's jammed?"
    We pointed, and she finally looked down into the foyer.
    "Oh. Oh my."
    "Don't touch it, it eats people""
    Update 20: Don got clobbered with a life-size wooden effigy of the Virgin Mary.
    Update 21: For fuck's sake. KILL HIM, please, someone
    Update 22: Oh, GOD yes, that was satisfying.
    This morning I dreamed about an alternative godzilla vs king ghidorah fight. The bit I remember most was when ghidorah lit godzilla on fire, and it didn't do much-- the effects of him absorbing the fire, watching it cascade over his back spikes and stuff, that was cool-- but then godzilla fell over, and caught fire again? Which was kind of funny. When ghidorah went over there to inspect the body, though, godzilla started snoring after a second, and I was like oh shit, what a troll. He then was now leaning on him, preventing his escape (godzilla was much larger in the dream. Oh, and ghidorah was completely cybernetic). When ghidorah decided to fuck off, and began flying away-- silently-- godzilla got up and started charging his laser (what a *troll* my dude). Dude shot lightning from his two-pronged metal tail, but because Toho, it only made contact for a little bit and kind of wobbled out of his path. I missed out on ghidorah's demise-- thankfully, because I was rooting for him this time around.
    "This book is dedicated to Google Street View for reminding me what the building on the corner of Creek and Ann looked like. Thanks for saving me the bus fare."
    Headcanon: Armored Armadillio used to be a poster boy for a circus. He was the future's top-rated trapeze artist.
    @stupidface Do you know of any way I can get at the music sequence files from a SNES rom, or the samples, at the very least?
    Sorry, SNES isn't my forte mate. I'm pretty sure the audio structure of SNES games tend to vary depending on the developer too, so you'll probably need specially made tools in most cases
    I do know there's a plugin called C700 that is good for SNES music, apparently it can also rip the instruments from an spc sequence file
    Link pls (if you can)?
    "In order to facilitate the ability to sing a melody at first sight, or 'sightsing,' Guido used what we know today as the 'Guidonian Hand.' In the Middle Ages, the hand was used as a mnemonic device to facilitate memory for things like the number of days in each of the 12 months, the arrival of the next full moon, and much more. The hand was also used to help learn and perform music." *diagram of a hand with a bunch of shit written on it*

    There's a Russian man named Vlad Konovalov that made an instrumental for dePeche Mode's "I Feel Loved" and it literally sounds just like the original minus the vocals. It's a damn shame it doesn't have more views, because I think even the original synth man from the band would be impressed.
    wOAH, I'm literally listening to this right now
    Okay, for real, does anyone know how I can make lyrics to something sound pretty much exactly like the lyrics from WL4's intro/credits in terms of sound quality? Like @boris-carlofts-car-loft, for example? Or @stupidface, probably-- you never know what he knows, just like a real Jester
    uncle stupidface has all the answers
    Also on the topic of WL4 and voice samples can we talk about that one weird-ass Palm Tree Paradise sample that sounds really high quality for some reason? The "NEEEE" one. like why
    Some questions don't really have answers. If I had to guess, I'd say it's kind of like some victim who escapes an atrocity unscathed, in this case serious compression
    It amazes me how atmospheric the Legend of Zelda's "Labyrinth" still is, despite only having 3 sound channels.
    I don't know if I necessarily like it better than the Overworld theme, but it's definitely a contender for "Zelda song I'll listen to on loop the longest," alongside Death Mountain & the Dark World theme from a Link to the Past.
    Koji Kondo is an extremely talented guy. He and Hirokazu Tanaka set the standard for how to use the Famicom sound chip
    This assignment I have to do says to list all the equipment I'd have in my "dream studio" and how it'd all be connected, then has the audacity to tell me that I can't list a laptop, it has to be a desktop. That's kind of understandable, since you'd practically tear your arms off when the cord lengths run out and you're suddenly snagged on a metric ton of metal and plastic and shit, but at the same time, *FUUUUCK yooouuuu.* The setup I already have is good enough for me, why isn't it for you?
    Just gimme the synth Dan Wentz uses, the name of that marimba-ish sample from Up in the Trees, and a quickstart guide on how to make synth presets, and I'll be good as far as my setup goes for the perceivable future. Get lost, old-timer.
    I hesitate to ask what kind of hubris is necessary to make me list "at least 4" headphones if I choose to include them. Also, I have no goddamn idea what a headphone amplifier is but it sounds pretty stupid. Unless that's what my "UMA-222" is since it's got a headphone jack-- in which case, cool.
    This morning I had a dream where I was recording footage of a non-existent GBA WarioWare title, but I was apparently recording it in GIF mode, so the part that I was glad was recorded, where someone was speaking in sync with Wario's mouth movement, had no sound.

    To be honest, though, recording footage in GIF format should exist.
    I think such software does exist, just more obscure since there are better ways to record.
    Also, personally jealous of your dream.
    "The vertical positions of the neumes were not sufficiently differentiated so as to show the pitches." Well if they were supposed to help you remember the notes to hit, then what the fuck was the point in writing it down?
    jk, I'm being obtuse there.
    I'd imagine it's like how hanging a sock over one's lampshade will help one to remember a dentist's appointment. Doesn't REALLY make any sense to *outsiders* but it definitely works.
    It's a damn shame that hommes & femmes don't become childhood friends more often. Because THEN they don't have to worry about going out and spending a shit ton of time trying to figure whether someone they want to fuck is actually the sort of person they'd like to be around, since they're no longer 6 years old and as such can't distinguish lust from legit attraction, are extremely anti-social and afraid of even admitting the desire to be FRIENDS with someone else.
    "Damn, my loins are suddenly working properly."
    "Here here. Say there, friend, shall we act upon this?"
    *swirling wine* "Verily. Yea, being attached at the hip has served us well."
    *sudden wingback & ivory pipe* "Ha ha, yeess, yes, moving from the hip to the crotch was but a natural progression."
    "Oh ho ho!"
    "Oh ho ho!"
    I've realized that whichever person I've been gleaning info from most recently tends to be the person I channel most strongly. Case in point: this post reveals just how much Zero Punctuation I've been listening to the last couple of days.
    Which is worse, being grammatically shit *every time*, or being inconsistent? My vote's on the latter.

    I bring it up because apparently my brother's History teacher is like that.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    I'd say every time, because the more spelling errors, the more annoying the text.
    Yeah, but that's spelling, not grammar in specific. I think. Mostly, I was referring to how this teacher didn't capitalize the word "Module" but then a couple of sentences later he didn't quite remember the module's status as part of a proper name.
    Going through my Music Production class; can I just say, how *old* of a muhfugga do y' gotta BE to spell it as "Plug-ins"? My God.
    Well, about as old as one would have to be to think that Reason 10's a better introduction to MIDI production than FL (especially the older versions, like 6 :3)
    I just realized that I'm being a total hypocrite here because I put a hyphen in the word "semitone" when you're not supposed to.
    Wait-- *is* my generation responsible for "yeet"? Ewwww...
    What's a yeet? I'm usually up to date with internet terms, but I have no idea what it is. I could google it, I know, but still asking for sake of conversation.
    Essentially, it's your warning that someone is imminently throwing something. Possibly invented by annoying cunts as a preventative measure against getting an ass-kicking for throwing shit at people-- but that's just me being cynical. And probably right
    Not what I expected for its meaning, but I don't regret asking (I had a feeling it was going to be some weird, obscure sexual meaning considering the internet).
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