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  • On average, how many people do you think have seen Shirley Temple when she was an adult?
    ...How many MORE people do you think know her from *that* advert for the box set that was on every fuckin' DVD for cartoons from the 30s/40s/50s made in the last decade, and nothing else for the most part?

    "Animal Crackers, in my soup, Monkeys and Rabbits, hoop the loop." I think those are the words. The third to last word is the one I can never remember.
    I don't know if I'll ever understand why so many of the other children in that classroom laughed at me for referring to the Saturday preceding that particular Monday as 'the day before yesterday.' It was the day that I learned the phrase 'the other day (courtesy of that Sign Language class's teacher-- dunno how long the class lasted, but I vaguely remember its ass being canned),' and was the 1st of maybe TWO times that I can recall a whole gaggle of my peers being just as stupid as each other.

    Either that or Monday *was* 'the day before yesterday,' and it took place on Wednesday. All I remember was Monday was involved. ...I still have crystal-clear screenshots of the visual in my head that reared itself when I was articulating that: a pastel yellow+beige background, with three grey 3:4 boxes in almost 3/4 view-- looked kind of like shallow boxes with a certain embossment about them, it's hard to explain.
    An arrow, phasing from black to silver (think Barrier from Undertale) with an outline that phased with it, always the opposing color, arcing slowly upward, from the box at the far right, and into the box at the far left, which was at a slightly lower elevation than the far right box, which in itself was slightly lower than the box in the middle. This represented the calendar, and the 'animation' played out as I was explaining, like something for How It's Made.
    What was especially confusing was that it was my best friend at the time who'd started the giggling-- he had far fewer mean bones in his body than I, so this was quite odd to me. Both the needless teasing and the stupidity of what prompted it were incredibly out of character.
    I think he might've explained that it was stupid that I wouldn't just say Two Days Ago and save my breath, but the thing is, I'd been regaling what I did over the weekend-- since teachers would classically tend to ask that question, I figured she might be pleased with me for giving her an answer longer than four words relayed to her, OH MY GOD I REALLY WAS RALPHIE (even back that far!?).

    "I figured you'd be getting tired of the same old stuff." I RELATE EVEN MORE NOW.
    I've decided to go through these files one by one to see which ones are Crock, and which are Classic. I'm sure none of the others use the Peaking Filter I discovered either, because I'm pretty sure this was made before that. Ah well, we'll see where this goes. BY THE WAY, NO MALICE TOWARDS WEARIO OR SHYGUY IS INTENDED, I'm just a dirty old desert man, whom every other WL4 "restoration" he's seen thus far has always ended up sounding like shit.

    (Individual looks under the cut, updates pending)
    Golden Pyramid: for the most part, an honest to God update. The instruments that I know from a long time spent with the .sf2 are the original (compressed ,:T) versions don't sound too low quality, so they get a pass. It's like MediEvil with those compressed-ass Ancient Dead strings-- it's the good kind of compressed, much like Wario Land 4 itself.
    If I had to suggest anything to up the quality, I'd suggest attempting to recreate the Hurry Up square. Beyond reaching the finer nuances, it shouldn't be too difficult, just a matter of fiddling with Echo Delay and Release Time, using them in combination.

    PS: "Applying the Peaking filter" as a suggestion is already a given, so I won't list it unless I feel the need.
    Uncompressed OST almost finished DL'ing. This'd better have been worth it. I've been embittered by the discovery that the uncompressed version of Up in the Tree's really cool Fantasia-ish background synth is just a fucking default [86] Lead 6 (Voice) from the DEFAULT MICROSOFT GS.

    If getting my hands on the literal music files from BHGBA was the biggest feel-good moment this year, then finding this out was the biggest disappointment ,:(

    *fairy sparkle text transition* I can't wait to re-compress that shit!
    Currently listening to CMV. The mixing kinda sucks... I know this was probably the original .mid, left unedited from the game's files, but if it doesn't sound like the original, post-edit, *that's why you fix it.*
    Especially disappointing that there was no HD version of the Moon Electric within Party Games's files, and the EP used herein is *not* the Soft Electric Piano*, but a very similar-sounding EP that was used in The Judge's Feet.

    *I plan to rechristen it 'Village Rhodes' for the eventual Named-Presets version of Twisted's .sf2 :3
    I can't abide people who describe things as epic unironically. I'd prolly go so far as to subconsciously permit making an ugly face at them if they're a young person, because they don't have *any* excuse. At least old people have the saving grace of just being out-of-touch geezers who should probably find another way of connecting with the youth. ~Such as ones that aren't superficial~
    The internet has RUINED certain words FOREVER with its hyperbolic tendencies.
    Moses parting the Red Sea? Jesus walking on water? Godzilla screaming a quasar down another monster's throat? Kirby's Yarn? These things are all "epic."

    Yer goddamn Soccer Meet being postponed ain't epic, it's just convenient. Fuck off.
    There was a REASON Tyrone was always WORD-SPAMMING "CONVENIENT," NIGGA

    If you like these kinds of posts, I'd like to refer you to PowerFuck-- his royal highness Queen Stamper's official Twitter.
    I realized I was channeling his energy (not for the first time), so I figured I'd plug it. I only follow like 12-ish people, and out of those I only really look consistently at the posts made by a few, and out of THOSE his is the only one I have notifications turned on for.

    ...I need to turn on notif's for Niall's too, though, because I keep forgetting 'Stamper & Jeff Cast While Niall Is Just Standing There' Fridays.
    Really what everyone should endorse is A) not forcing religions down impressionable children's throats, and should instead B) brief them that all these different types of people DO exist, and C) teach foreign languages in preschool. It would be SO goddamn EASY to make the entirety of this next generation TRI-lingual if those flash cards with cats on them also said "gato" and "chat" on them. All three versions of the vocab would be color-coded (dark blue, red, and green, respectively), because that's how children work.
    The fact that I had a primal flash of revulsion at the thought of some teacher telling my children how to properly pronounce and associate 'gato' with the cat card just proves how important it is to show kids that not only do other cultures exist, but *this is how they work and operate.*

    I don't know why my subconscious is xenophobic, but I'm sure my parents had a lot to do with it. The sexism I know is completely superficial, and stems entirely from my insatiable pride and my own self-awareness. I won't deny that I love to feel special, but I also know that I'm probably not, since there's always someone better? In this particular case, it's like an excuse to pretend like I'm still as great and awesome because "uhh they're less legitimate" but even that is caused entirely by differences in biology. The differences between estrogen and testosterone cause different cylinders to fire off, to a point where on the surface that bullshit 'women from venus, men from mars' statement seems to make sense.
    Men aren't any more rational than women are, it's just that society's set up to where women are allowed to be openly emotional and simpering, or whiny to the point of being obnoxious. It's related to how women tend to resemble children in some ways, and men in others-- whichever one society lets them get away with (i.e., being allowed to cry, be pathetic and lazy because someone'll just do it for you, and doing a bunch of stupid shit, beating the shit out of people for the slightest inconvenience, and never being able to admit that they don't know where they're going, respectively). Nobody ever just *becomes* an adult, y'know? Everybody's a fuckin' child, everyone wants to be annoying and always have their way, it's just that one's sex determines which parts of your child self is allowed to stay on the surface indefinitely.

    In other words, I don't think my Id would be as much of a worthless cunt if I as a male could *truly* be as transparent as I'd like. I'm positive that the reason there are so many misogynists stems from dudes being told from the beginning "you are the strongest raddest piece of shit in the middle east, you are entitled to everything you desire, including living things with souls, except for the stuff belonging to men who are really just you again but have a higher social standing."

    You know, thinking about all of these real oppressive issues, and a bunch of beard-ass Iranian men being cunts to everyone and everything and calls attention to how childish they are-- killing people that hurt their feelings :'(-- all of this fuckin' GARBAGE, can you really blame me for permanently situating myself beneath a rock? I can't do shit about it anyway, social change just doesn't happen like that, it literally takes a whole generation to get anything done and kill off all the shitty elders who think it's okay to rape and murder some girl for leaving the Islamic faith. Fuck religion, and fuck societies that still work like that, just evacuate all the women and children, anyone redeemable, and then fucking nuke everything.

    NOW I'M ALL ANGRY AND DESPAIRED AT THE SAME TIME AND NOT SURE OF WHAT'S GOING ON. I could totally run a 'stream of consciousness' podcast if I wanted.

    Christ, the world is just so depressing sometimes. But, you can always count on me to give entire Ted Talks on literally fuckin' anything.
    ((Ah, shit, someone commented on this. Now they'll get a notification for an entire text wall. Sorry about that.))

    @Just a Wario Fan That teenager thing totally applies to me, as well. Thing is, though, because we don't know everything, and the thought of no afterlife is fookin' scary to our monkey brain, it can be really hard to *truly* shake something like that, especially if your family believes in it with all their heart. When you're a kid, you'll agree with anything that those you respect believe in, no matter how foolish, because that's just how it works, you're naive and your predecessors are your whole world for a good few years.
    I'll probably regret that first continuation I made, because that shit is just *all* doom and gloom. But, that's my honest thoughts; transparency is something I always strive for in all aspects of life-- unless I personally foresee my admissions getting me into hot water. The more times my foresight+awareness falters and I make a faux pas, the two of those things are strengthened (which just goes back to how I said I'm a learn by doing type, and especially a 'learn by fuckin'-failing-goddamn-hard' type more than literally any other).

    I need to fuck off and get back to work already, God

    Edit: This is such a turner in my head, man. On one hand I raise some good points but on the other hand because of the very nature of the Forum it just feels like such *poison*
    You know, it's actually kind of genius to include people with "black names" in The Backyardigans. By setting a precedent that people with these sorts of names exist, the less likely the children are to ridicule them the way their parents likely do. I know it worked on *me,* because I've never once seen anyone or heard of anyone named Tyrone that wasn't black, yet it sounds just as normal and commonplace as any shitty old Bible name (such as my own)-- to the point where it took me a long-ass time to notice that it wasn't as common as I thought.

    Same goes for Uniqua (which I didn't realize was a pun until I heard the name Shaniqua. That's top kek right there), and for Pablo as well. Like, if I had been exposed to a billion other endearing cartoon animals with foreign names I'd probably go so far as to be completely baffled when someone assumed a guy was Mexican just from the same 'Gonzales.' ...then again, I've always associated that with Mario so it sounds more Italian to me anyway. Bad example.
    I still haven't seen It's a Wonderful Life but I feel like the VeggieTales version will still have left a bigger impact on me in the end. ...The older I get, the harder that scene where dude sees his one adopted child looking out the window of the orphanage and tries to call out to her to let her know it'll be okay (but, presumably, it won't be) will hit me. I STILL think about that shit, and I haven't seen that film in over 4 years.
    Don't fuckin' @ me this time, btw. I ALREADY DO go to therapy, my nigga.

    I DID learn my lesson about making my text walls one big status, though! So, I'm sure Robin'll at least be happy about that when she decides to check this out on a whim.
    I think the brain shift might be happening now, though, at least to some degree, because I feel oddly vulnerable right now. I could really use that cuddly girl now ;__;

    Hooray, I'm sleep-deprivation *tipsy*

    ....I hope Tom's gotten those S3Ms by now
    1) He actually did, 15 minutes before I wrote that, as I found out.
    2) I came here to say that I just remembered, I *also* upload soundfonts, which is arguably a larger contribution than MIDIs
    3) as soon as I saw my last comment I glanced at the clock on a whim and discovered that I started typing *this* comment exactly one hour and one minute after the comment I was reading the timestamp for.
    There must be some kind of generosity and wisdom that comes with a video game composer having long since moved on from a project. Dan Wentz said he might post the midi projects for Red Faction (which is beyond holy shit), and tonight Tom Miller's said he's going to send the .S3Ms for Bionicle Heroes' instruments over when he gets home. That is honestly so cool of them and I can't believe how rad it is that they'd do so without a second thought. I can only hope that, if I ever get to be in a position like either of theirs that I'd be cool enough to do the same.
    I mean, it also kind of makes sense, you know? One is the sequences but not the samples, the other is the samples but not the sequences. I feel like I could live with one or the other if I was in their position, so it seems perfectly reasonable.
    Can you make a version of ¨I'm Blue Da Ba Dee¨ with a Wario Land soundfont? No idea why I'm asking this, it just popped up in my mind.
    Hrrmmm... well, I'm working on a MIDI currently, but that definitely is an idea. I'll definitely look into it in the near future.
    I wonder how many people realize that giving the Doctor another 13 Regenerations doesn't just solve the problem of 'how does the show continue now,' but also solves what would've been a plothole in the form of The Curator, whom I speculate to be the second wave's final regen (which, I just realized, would mean that the final Doctors for Wave 1 and Wave 2 had a chat together)-- it's insinuated that after all that time he still remembered wanting to curate a museum when he retired. I find that interesting especially because this supposed second Tom Baker Doctor acts different from the original, giving credence to the theory that all the Doctors have different personalities, even if they have the same face.

    Even though it's supposed to be an honest-to-god, follow-the-doctrine remake, I hope the PS4 MediEvil remake keeps Tom Baker's lines for the Boatman. ...assuming they don't bring him on again altogether.

    Speaking of which (oh, ha ha-- accidental pun), can anyone direct me to the text-to-speech program he made for some telephone company back in 2006? I think it was a text messaging thing? I remember I found something on the subject once for their website. It had a Navy Blue background
    I remember My Nana told me about that when we watched Sinbad (the... Seventh Voyage, I think? I don't THINK it was the one with Patrick Troughton in it, but I could be wrong) together, she said that was stupid and a waste of time, like he was an idiot loser who doesn't know what he's doing or smth (but then again she was totally lead on by those wsj posts about Pewds being an anti-semite, so whatever).

    Edit: wait, no, she gave her opinion on it after I went onto Tom Baker's Wikipedia during the movie, and proceeded to tell her about it, because honestly that's amazing.
    What she fails to realize is that Tom Baker was toootally that time period's version of the good-natured shitposter, who does fun, weird shit just 'cause, and especially if he knows *other* people will get a kick out of it (case in point: me with the text-to-speech and the cameo in MediEvil Resurrection).
    He probably wouldn't understand a lot of the shitposts people tend to make, but I'm sure he'd *totally* be on board with the IDEA of it as soon as someone explained to him what they were and what the purpose was.
    OK, so I went from talking about Dr Who fixing potential plotholes to relaying that there exists an official Tom Baker text-to-speech preset that he made for the hell of it. Excuse me while I shake my own hand for this outstanding performance. and then get back to work on this fl project that I got distracted from ._ .
    Y'know, I'm starting to think that having a unique vernacular is one trait that my dad and my brother seem to share, because for the life of me, there are a lot of phrases and other grammatical bits that I, my mother, my aunt, my cousin (I think), etc., will use that I have literally never in my life show up in any form from either of them.

    I thought about this while working on an update for my Ms. Pac-Man Crystal Caves MIDI.
    It kind of irks me that the 1/6 step quantizer will come closer than the 1/4 step quantizer to looking like half a block when altering note lengths, but at the same time, I'm already '1/6 step quantizer life' anyway, so it doesn't matter
    One thing that I love about vgm is that, as long as you know the filename of your MIDI, you can literally type out the link and it won't be that much of a hassle. That's the great thing about old websites, even besides muh nostalgia. Call them ugly all you want, but their primitive nature pretty much forces them to be user-friendly.
    stupid gotdamn "https://"

    (the midi uses the GS standard, by the way, but you can listen to it with just GM and it'll still sound decent :))
    You're quite a talkative guy, aren't you?
    What tipped you off ;o
    I'm just doing my civic duty, generating site activity by using this instead of Twitter lol

    I already only ever used Twitter for posting whatever comes to mind... which is actually what the site's intended use is, funnily enough, yet that one could still find it odd boggles the mind (ALSO I JUST REALIZED WHY BOGGLE the game HAS SUCH AN UNORTHODOX YET FAMILIAR-SOUNDING NAME >:O!!!).
    "you write me down in your books cause i'm gunna have the hooks, of the big tooks"
    "Hey, your ideas can't be precious, your ego can't need protecting, every failure is a chance to get it right, and I, uh, actually needed more hours at work this week because of the holiday season so it works out anyway :-P" - Tom Miller, composer for Bionicle Heroes GBA and... some spyro game idc i meant to post this two hrs ago
    It pisses me off to no end knowing that Jackals do not actually look Like That. They just look like fox-coyote hybrids with fox tails and giant dorito ears. THEY'RE NOT EVEN BLACK, THEY'RE GREYISH AND SPECKLED, WITH BITS OF ORANGE.

    GOD that is lame.
    Wait... Egypt was like the first civilized society to date. That means there were furries from the very fuckin beginning: a dog head with a picturesque, tight muscley body? Come on.
    You know how I've got two different settings, depending on how tired I am.
    What that really boils down to is me asking "what the fuck was I on" but for different posts.
    ...The answer's Adderall btw. Not too shocking.
    Interesting thing about said FL project, layering [55] Synth Voice and [80] Ocarina produces an ethereal, kind of plinky sound that's really pleasant to hear.
    Speaking of "violoncello" and "confusing." How the fUCK did they get away with having two instruments whose accepted names essentially are the two halves of the name 'violoncello.' Viola? Cello? Come on.

    Hmm, this reminds me of Lololo and Lalala, how they used to be one single, purple being with a veritable golden mane and a lot of spunk. I remember that was one of my favorite episodes of that show-- every time that green fucker showed up with those staffs I was like "FUCK 'IM UP GREEN AND YELLOW KIRBIES" 'cause I remember him being a taunting bastard, and I felt so bad for Lola.
    I was also really bent that they destroyed the two staffs after obliterating that limey bastard. NO GOING BACK NOW I GUESS.

    Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on the episode with Chilly. GOOODDDD I'M THINKING ABOUT HIS HAT AND SCARF SINKING UNDERWATER, AND OHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOO I'M JUST NOW REMEMBERING THE ONE WITH THE DOG THAT WAS A BOMB, JESUS CHRRIIIIISSSSSTTTT. WHY MUST ALL THE GOOD EPISODES (besides the one where Dedede makes a cartoon and the one where Kirby's possessed by a demon) BE SO TRAGIC ;__;
    Oh yeah, and it also reminded me of the Staff of Dreams from Tak hehe

    (because the two halves of the word sound so different, yet have the "L" sounds that mark them as related, just like how the Dream and Nightmare halves of the staff look so different, yet channel the energy of all the world that sleeps uwu)
    ANYWAY, back to working on that FL project I guess!
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