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  • Maybe there should be some more content on our Youtube channel. It's still pretty empty.
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    Reactions: Rei
    The problem is getting people together to record content. I'm suggesting times, but we all seem to forget about it.

    Either way, I may just get into voiced opinion videos myself, since it's clear that's the only way anything will get done.
    Seems quiet today. Did something happen in America that I'm not aware of?
    So stuck figuring out the best way to redesign the Gaming Reinvented home page. Want to make it look as non blog like as possible, to tell people it's a service and not a typical news site. But nothing seems to look right yet...
    So, two questions. Firstly, would anyone be interested in a game developer marketplace service? Because part of me feels there's a market for a site where you can request work for a game you're developing (like graphics, music, programming help, level design stuff, etc) and get offers from other people who can do the work. Feel it'd be really useful, especially for fan game devs who get stuck with the technical side of things.
    Sounds like a good idea! Sadly I can't help with the features, I'm usually bad with coming up with new features for certain types of websites. Now a market place with support is nice, just have to cross your fingers that people actually use it.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Good idea, but if it should work depends on the offer and demand of such people.
    i love that the people behind that Twilight Princess fan remake are having a Blood War in the comments of your interview
    It seems I stumbled into a controversy when I wasn't looking. Honestly, I had no idea this project was so controversial.
    Just 44 members and we'll have 500 Wario fans on this site! That's... not too shabby if I say so myself!
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    Reactions: Rei
    Too bad 1/100 of them aren't even active...
    To be fair, nor are most members on most community websites. Not even Facebook/Twitter/Reddit.
    I'm active. And i'm a wario fan.
    What is GamingReinvented targeted at? I've got a review of a game I want to become more popular lying around, which I could update and post. But it is of a game that isn't legally obtainable at the moment, thanks to 'a shitty Korean company' (which, in a way, opens up new possibilities, actually).
    Eh, should be fine to write a review of the game. Don't tell people how to get it illegally though, that seems to be the general line between legal and illegal as far as writing about games in dodgy situations goes.

    You may also want to write about the company and their dodgy activities, since that also seems like an interesting article idea.
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    Reactions: 607
    Huh, I had totally forgotten I even posted this.
    I've been getting quite busy lately, and my study is going to start end of this month, so I might not get to this anymore, sorry. :)
    Hah, don't worry about it too much.
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    Reactions: 607
    CM30 when is the next election for admins?
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    Reactions: 607
    I don't think that's how it works. :P
    Communities are dictatorships ruled by their owner.
    You gotta join Mr. CM30's Kiss My Ass Club to even be given a passing glance of consideration.
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    Reactions: Metal
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